Better place…

Oy…the last entry…still raw. I appreciate the notes/emails. Father’s Day is just a difficult time for me…probably always will be. I don’t blame everything on him…but I’m smart enough to realize the void affects my relationships with men. But…that’s for a future entry.

Moving on…STT in 2 days! We leave early on Thursday, so this will be my last entry until we get back home. Please say a prayer/light a candle/cluck like a chicken for us. 

I’ll post plenty of pictures and my official STT: Vacation Like a Skinny Person Plan when I return. If all is successful (and I lose or maintain while away), I’m going to sell it (as a follow-up to my bestseller  "Lushy LaRue: Losing Weight During Mardi Gras") and make millions.  The scale read 202.6 this morning…3 lbs lost in 3 weeks. Not too shabby for an ol’  WW veteran trying to return to glory.

[Note to the Scale Watchers:  My current weight is now being updated on the front page of my diary.]

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Love you all… :::waving:::

-C is for Crazy Bitches in the Caribbean

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I hope you have so much fun!!! Flirt with an island boy for me and drink about two or three Mai Tai’s!!!!! I want to hear all about it when you get back. Tontoy 242.2/226/160

June 21, 2005

Crazy Bitches In The Carribean…LMAO. Party like a fool for us Baby Momma’s!! šŸ™‚

June 21, 2005

LOL! Have one for us that are too broke to even imagine traveling somewhere… Can’t wait to see pics! Have fun!

June 21, 2005

have a drink or two for me and kiss a boy or two for me šŸ˜‰ hhehe…have a great trip!

June 21, 2005

Have a great time!

June 21, 2005

C, have a fantastic time, you soooo deserve it.

Courtney I feel you on the daddy dearest thing, but don’cha worry. Just as those who do good in this life can expect with confidence their just rewards, those who shirk their responsibilities will get what’s coming to them. And in as much as he seems quite flaky, I don’t think he would have added much to your life. You mom did a stellar job, cause you rock!

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who cares!! I’m a HATER drinking HATERADE!! Smooches…

June 22, 2005

-clucks like a chicken- Have fun! And–if I can ask a dumb question–did you really publish that book?

June 26, 2005

hope you are having a blast.

June 26, 2005

I hope you are having an awesome time! Thanks for the offer to look things up for me. I’ll let you know…