Bermuda Food Triangle Challenge Phase I

Hey Folks!

As I mentioned, Chesty and I have created our own little challenge to battle the Bermuda Food Triangle (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas). I promised to share the love, so here’s Phase I! If you’d like to kick things up a notch, please feel free to join us.

BFTC Phase I
October 1-October 31, 2005

-Set a realistic exercise goal for the month (# of sessions or total monthly minutes)
-Set H2O goal for the month (i.e. 8 glasses per day X 31 days= 248 glasses goal for Phase I)
-Set goal for pounds and/or inches lost
-Try a new physical activity (new class at the gym, exercise video, freaky sex position…
I don’t care what it is…just do something new and burn calories!)
-Choose a nice, non-edible reward for your hard work

I’ll be back later to post my personal goals. Until next time…


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September 27, 2005

Heeeelllpppp…I’ve fallen and I can’t get up. My eating has been OUT OF CONTROL for months now. I can’t seem to get back on track. I may just join you on this challenge….Linette

Great idea. Here are my goals. -Set a realistic exercise goal for the month – 16 sessions -Set H2O goal for the month – 124 glasses/month (I’m not into water) -Set goal for pounds and/or inches lost – 8lbs -Try a new physical activity – Brazilian dance class at the gym -Choose a nice, non food reward – still working on that one. Xquizite1

September 28, 2005

Set a realistic exercise goal for the month – 16 sessions on the treadmill for a minimum of 30 mins each. -Set H2O goal for the month – 5 glasses a day. -Set goal for pounds and/or inches lost – 6lbs -Try a new physical activity – Introduction to Pilates -Choose a nice, non food reward – Latoya London’s cd

September 28, 2005

Set a realistic exercise goal for the month: Not go crazy with the scale. Work out 900 minutes in OCT. -Set H2O goal for the month: 128 oz a day -Set goal for pounds and/or inches lost: 2 in off jelly belly -Try a new physical activity – haven’t done taebo in a while maybe once or twice a week.

This could not have come at a better time for me. You have NO IDEA how much I need this right now! -Exercise goal for the month – 3x a week for 30 minutes moderate to high intensity -H2O goal for the month – minimum 3 20oz glasses of H2O/day -Weight goal – 8lbs -Try a new physical activity – tone and stretch class at gym -Choose a nice, non food reward – mani/pedi juju

October 2, 2005

i’ve let myself get out of control. Count me in on this one!

October 2, 2005

This is wonderful! I’m getting married at the end of December and this sounds like the perfect plan! Can I join you guys?

# of sessions – 16 for the month water intake – 3 20oz bottles per day Pounds / inches lost – I’m going for 10 lbs. New Activity – Pilates Reward – Make my first trip to a natural hair salon!!!!! ~TB