Battle O’ The Cupcakes…

Red and I are throwing a baby shower for a coworker and his wife today. I somehow got stuck with picking up 3 dozen cupcakes. White cake…buttercream frosting…oy! Lucifer’s snacks took residence in my fridge last night and I avoided the kitchen. I’m a food addict…in recovery, but an addict forever. This morning I open the Gates of Hell to get my yogurt…and the smell of buttercream slapped me in the face. Today’s mantra: 95 Days until the Danskin Triathlon. Frosting is strong…but Open.Water.Swim. is more powerful.

St. Thomas is 2 weeks after the tri…and even though a native has promised that the men will love me…I’m going to make sure that’s a reality. My goal is to pull a Britney and get married for a bit. Everyone needs a 55 hour starter marriage. LOL

So…J and I are going out this weekend. We had a long chat about our issues and both agreed that we’ll start with a clean slate. If it ends up becoming something significant, great…if not, we still have a friendship (and I still have his custom made voodoo doll if I feel bitter…teehee). Speaking of voodoo, I’m taking Mommy to New Orleans for her birthday next month. I will definitely exercise my right to have a splurge meal at NOLA. Hey…her 49th birthday only happens once. My mom looks great for her age, so she doesn’t do that holding nonsense. 🙂

Ok, this entry is a little bit of everything. Sign of a cluttered mind, I suppose. Whatever…

For my product junkies: Discover Little Shop of Beauty. They have a plethora of scents available (ooh…a smart word…more classy than "shitload", don’t you think?) I’ve ordered the shower syrup in margaritaville and wedding cake. Yum…

Hope everyone has a great day!


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March 9, 2005

Last night at dinner, Jeff said why don’t you get the cheesecake, and I had to remind him that while the cheesecake may be good, fitting into my wedding dress will be even better…

mmmm buttercream icing on cupcakes. I would have plopped my fat ass down in front of your fridge with a bib and some diet-coke!!! Maxx said to leave him one of those notes because, and I quote, “I’m retarded Kat, I’ll never remember that…”. lol. So hit him up and you’re in. 😉

Here’s to resisting buttercream! Be strong my girl!

March 9, 2005

You go girl! Resisting the snack foods! I need some of your strength! Pass it on!

March 9, 2005

oyvay I came home and the skinny ones had been shopping icecream, choolate doughnut peanutbutter cookies.

March 9, 2005

Those cupcakes never taste as good as they look. If you are gonna indulge, it had better be the GOOD stuff, right? I too am a food addict. I have to make rules. Like for Krispy Kreme. Luckily for me the closest one is 200 miles away. But, I officially invoke the KK rules when I enter KK country. Only when the hot now sign is on; only the free one they hand out in line and ONLY ONE. Sigh.

Sister, J seems to be an interesting man? We SHALL see. Oh yes, CAL is from St. Thomas and I can tell you that, that man loves EVERY single pound of me! You better be careful before you do come back married! LOL! Smooches…

March 9, 2005

heh that beuty products shop is making me hungry..all the scents sound so yummy. anyway, good job resisting the cupcakes, thats some damn strong willpower :]

March 9, 2005

My roommates and I always joke about how we’re “true fat girls” because we get lip gloss, candles, shower stuff, etc, in food scents. Angelfood cake candles? Lemon meringue lip gloss? Wedding cake shower syrup? You passed our test Court! 🙂

March 9, 2005

I turn 49 next month too…funny, but I don’t feel old enough to be your mother. I wonder why that is.