Back to the Real World…

The Good…

Work was ok today…considering I had a week off (that included 2 days of playtime in Vegas). Ahh…Vegas…it was fabulous! I loved it…and NYNY was a cool place to stay.

-My favorite casino was MGM…and the breakfast buffet was good too. At $14 each, you can bet we ate our weight in pancakes. I’m not a cheap-o, but I wasn’t going to pay that amount and get Special K and cantaloupe. LOL

-The Bellagio Fountains were beautiful!

-The Desert Passage shopping center (next to Paris) has slot machines, Starbucks  *and* a Sephora. I could live there forever + 1 day.

-The shops at Caesar’s are simply awesome.

-The MGM lion is impressive in person…a little boy asked his mom if it was made of chocolate. Don’t I wish…

The Bad…

-I got suckered into playing the HUGE slot machine at NYNY. Whatever…it was big and shiny…that’s all it takes.

-We walked our asses off on the strip…but I don’t think it made up for all the food. I tried to behave…really, I did. NYNY has an awesome pretzel stand and pizza kitchen. I managed to stay away from the Ben & Jerry’s counter…(only because all 4 of my stomachs were full). Moo…

-The Treasure Island pirate show was canceled both nights due to high winds. I really wanted to see it… *pouting*

-Paris casino sucks big time…but the drinks are decent.

The Ugly…

-We didn’t see very many cute boys…or old rich men.

-I had a relapse of the sinus/throat issue on Friday, so I’m back on more antibiotics. I’m thinking the plane ride, casinos and weather (it was 60 degrees, cloudy and über windy in Vegas) did me in.

-My pants are so tight from the trip, I’m scared to get on the scale. So I won’t…4/15 sounds like a good date.

-We returned from Vegas on Thursday…and today is my first day back to clean eating. I ate like a hoss for 6 days…and I’m paying for it now. Hopefully my crack-ish cravings will be gone by the end of the week.

Simple Carbs=Evil

Well, I just wanted to check in…I’ll post pictures when I can. I’m going to eat something light, take my meds, get freaky with the vapor rub and go night-night.

Hope you all have a great week…

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April 3, 2006

old rich men…lol…we all need one of those…i keep sayon i need a SUGAR DADDY…lol…

April 4, 2006

LOL that pancake monster is hilarious. Sounds like you had a great time. Just remember to have the clean eating down to a science by the time you head off to phat camp cause you know Jen will have no mercy lol. Prayin for ya sis 😀

April 4, 2006

That picture is too funny! I’m glad you had fun.

April 4, 2006

Yeah we need pictures! Hope you are feeling better, sucks to be sick after a trip.

lol at the evil pancakes. I SO identify. . . Hey–you don’t get to “moo” unless you’re leaking milk and feeding a screaming baby umpteenzillion times a day. That’s my new rule, at least. TheShepherdess tells me that breastfeeding is worth something like 10 ww points. . . Not that weight loss is the best pregnancy goal, I suppose. I think most women find that backfires for them. 🙂

April 4, 2006

I dont know what it is with vacation….but I can never eat well! I ate junk in Branson on Saturday, and then ate badly when we got home Sunday too….no reason except that it was the weekend. Oh well, I’ve still be working out every other day.

It sounds like you had a good time. I’m sorry about the stuffy nose, icky feeling. That pic it too funny and TRUE!! Smooches…

April 4, 2006

heh.. vaporub… I love the pancake pic… $14 for breakfast? Yeah, I’d be mooing along too… hope you feel better soon!

April 5, 2006

Sounds like you had fun. Linette

April 6, 2006

Not *get freaky with the vapor rub* lol. I think you are allowed to let your eating style go out the window while you’re on vacation, just as long as you get back on track when you come home :~)