August Cave Girl Report!

Hey Lovelies!

As usual, I am short on time, so we’ll get to the gooooood stuff.

RA News: Things are continuing to go well. I still have the bad day occasionally (to be expected), but most days I feel really good. I had my 3 month check up after Cabo and the doctor was very impressed. I was actually excited to jump on the scale to show her how hard I’ve been working. That NEVER happens…LOL who looks forward to weighing at the doc’s office? I am very tired of having labs done (my poor arm), but I’m willing to do it if I continue to get good news. I’ve had one flare up in the last 2 months and it wasn’t anything that I couldn’t handle. The current plan is to continue the prescription anti-inflammatory as needed…add more swimming to the workout schedule and get more sleep!

Fitness Event Stuff: As most of you know, my *only* resolution for 2012 was to do 12 fitness events. I mean…how hard could that be, right? Well, it’s not as easy as I thought! If I set this goal next year (well, it will be 13 in 2013 LOL), I will be sure to spread them out. I have basically taken most of the summer off from the task, so I will be churning them out this fall.

#9 – American Heart Association 5K (9/8)
#10 – The Patriot Games (9/22)
#11 – North Texas Bicycle Rally (10/13)
#12 – 5K Foam Fest  (11/3 – this crazy shit just joined my calendar…mud and foam…and a ginormous slip ‘n slide…yeehaw!)

Alternates (because I’ll be damned if I’m letting a scheduling conflict or sinus infection keep me from this goal):

-Halloween Hustle (10/28)
-Deck the Trails (12/1)

The Reason You’re Reading this Entry: I lost 8.8 lbs in August…and that included 5 days in beautimous Cabo…with a swim up bar and errrrthang! My Paleo total (since 5/9/12) is 45 lbs. Can you believe it? I have been happy dancing for months! I love it! I *finally* understand the role that quality food has in overall health and well-being. Seriously…this quote from It Starts With Food says it best:

"There is no food neutral; there is no food Switzerland – every single thing you put in your mouth is either making you more healthy or less healthy."

Anyway, I am beyond pleased with the changes that came along with this way of eating. I’ve never experienced this type of food satiety and for the first time in my life, I feel I have a healthy relationship with food. I’m no longer playing the system to sneak in light junk food and binges seem to be a thing of the past. I am truly blessed!

Sooooo…here’s a look at where I started vs. where I am. I obviously still have a lot of work to do, but I am charging ahead. My little ticker on the main page is counting down to 100 lbs lost, but in reality, I won’t declare goal until 10-15 lbs beyond that…the 100 lb mindset was just part of my experiment…with this ridiculous ‘eat like a dinosaur’ crap <–things said by Courtney in the spring. My, my…things have changed!

courtney - before/current

Well, that’s it for now! As always, I hope you all are doing well. Leave me a note, send an email…hell, some of you can call me. Just let me know how YOU are doing. 🙂

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August 29, 2012

Looking good my little dino-girl! 🙂

August 29, 2012

yep looking good! 😀 It is really amazing isn’t it how much better you feel???!?!?!

August 29, 2012

13 in 13! I like the sound of that. Cabo sounds fabo. I told a celiac person at work about your Cave Girl Diet and the Pecan Bars. I may have made a convert.

August 30, 2012

That is so amazing and inspiring! Congratulations!!

Love it twin! I’m cheering you on!!!

September 1, 2012

You look FANTASTIC!! And I love that quote about there not being any “food neutral”. It makes perfect sense to me 😉