Are you happy with Open Diary?

It seems like quite a few people are choosing to leave Open Diary. I know there has been major drama on the site, but I couldn’t even begin to tell you the cause of it.

I love having an online diary. It gives me the opportunity to document my weight loss experience and rant about everyday life. I enjoy the different people/opinions offered here. Even if I became disgruntled with my own diary, I’d still have to keep up with my favorites list. The little yellow renewal sticker screams at me everytime I sign in…guess it’s time to take care of it, eh?

I’ll be losing one favorite in a few weeks. Is anyone else planning to jump ship?

Log in to write a note

I was going to discontinue my OD because of the drama but after alot of thinking… I dont care what they do. Im staying in my world and ignoring the drama kings and queens then they wont have any drama. 🙂

July 16, 2002

I’m happy on FOD, but I have never been able to make myself pay for a diary. I’ve read several complaints from OD as well…guess there isn’t a “perfect” site, but I sure hope I don’t lose any of my favorites.

I don’t think I read enough people to get any of the drama. that’s a good thing I guess. I’m glad you are not going anywhere though. Your diary is almost always so upbeat and positive. I can’t express how much I admire you for how far you’ve come and how well you are going to do. But I admire you most because you are making yourself happy. 🙂

July 16, 2002

I have never had any problems with OD (well, maybe one or two wee small ones that were sorted out late, but better late then never) so I can’t complain and like you, not sure where all the drama is coming from. I’ll hang in here for a while (I renewed a few weeks ago). I’ve been on ODer for about 3 years now, I can’t kick the habit, even if I don’t write every day.

ryn: hey… wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing?

July 16, 2002

Wow….you have lost that much weight?…I wish I could do that…I wish I could find the motivation…but like I just said in another diary…Houston was voted the fattest city…can you believe that…that sux…anyway, that is really awesome…keep up the good work…and I love OD…I just try to ignore the silly stuff or not get involved…

RYN- thank you so much! and by the way, i have gotten online to look at your website many times, whenever i have needed a pick-me-up, and you are a huge inspiration to me!! keep up the awesome work 😀

About five months ago I experienced drama here at OD. That’s why I have made my diary private. And even though things have calmed down, I am reminded of hos vicious and stressful OD drama can be. I look around this site these days and I think if you just do your own thing, leave positive notes, and do not drawn too much negative attention to yourself then being here can be a positive…

experience. I can’t help but think there would be far less bad vibes around here if some people would either sustain from rehashing the same bothersome issues or just kept their opinions to themselves. I’m staying, but I am being much more careful about who I read and what I say within notes. I’d say you’re probably safe from the drama and you should definitely renew. 🙂

I just re-read my notes. I need to start proofreading notes before I leave them. Sorry about the many mistakes. 🙂

July 17, 2002

Not a chance. I’ll still be here even if I have to be the last person. Gotta keep setting an example and pumping out the good stuff. 🙂

July 18, 2002

I haven’t been aware of any drama…I am pretty wrapped up in only my favorites. I did try DiaryPlace — not nearly as good as here, even though they hyped it up pretty good. I would/did miss all my favorites! I’m staying!!!