Anxiety and Relief…

Good Morning Folks!

I didn’t mean to freak anyone out with my previous entry. I guess the whole incident will forever be with me…

So…anxiety. I meet with my potential therapist this week. I say "potential" because I plan to shop around until I find a nice fit. I still stand by my decision to leave therapy out of my diary. I’ll add session details to my paper journal, but I think it’s too personal to write here.

Relief…I’m sure everyone has dealt with removing a "poison" friend from rotation. Well, I’ve been struggling with one "pal" in particular for over a year…and it seems that nature has taken its course. I realized it last night and felt an overwhelming sense of relief. So…if you meet "boy crazy to the point of needing medication (I’m not talking about Zoloft, either…haha)/makes really bad life decisions based on pure greed and materialism/only wants to hang out when all other options have flaked/always around when experiencing personal drama, but strangely disappears when needed" girl, you might want to run the other direction. LOL Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

Please say a prayer for Cassie…I know she’s going to be fine, but it couldn’t hurt. 🙂

Hope you all have a great Monday…


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March 7, 2005

Cassie has been in my prayers, along with her Mommy and Daddy. She’s going to be fine, I know it too.

Cassie is in my prayers. ::hugs to you and her::

Giirrrlll, I know what you mean. I had to weed a few poisonous friends out of my life. And I’m much happier now.

March 7, 2005

I’ve been sending all my positive vibes to Cassie, too. Not into prayer per se, but I do believe the Universe will provide. I had a hard time finding the right therapist years ago. I felt like I wasted a lot of time. But it takes a few sessions to build a rapport. I understand how you feel about posting intimate stuff in OD–I thought it would be soo anonymous but now the OD folks feel

March 7, 2005

like family and friends, too. And, since some of my “real life” friends read too….sigh. Linette

You know, the more you look around, everyone seems to have a problem. I hope youre okay with going to a therapist, because its SO common. I go to a shrink!! lol Good luck. Consultations are SO fun! lol (Jackie)

Thanks for the update C!! Smooches…