
4 years on Weight Watchers…

How do I feel about it? I’m a mess of emotions today. In past celebrations, I’ve been joyous and hopeful. I woke up this morning feeling pissed off and discouraged. At this very moment, I don’t feel like I’m moving forward towards goal weight. The last several months have been a vicious gain/lose cycle and I’m tired. It’s amazing how much influence my weight loss progress has on the rest of my life. For instance, my job has always been stressful…but I’ve been able to cope because my weight loss journey was that strong. As long as the scale (and other aspects) were showing progress, I was good to go.

What happens when the progress is stalled…the scale is up 15 lbs over your lowest weight…and the motivation is severely lacking? I’ve been through rough patches before, but this is different. Perhaps a mild depression? I hate talking about the negatives because I know some people see that as ungrateful. A woman actually told me once that my overall weight loss should always keep my attitude positive. Are you kidding me? That’s a nice thought, but unrealistic. I will never be 100% pleased with my journey. Small amount of “what ifs” and doubts mixed with massive amounts of determination have worked for me. I can’t get too comfortable with the amount of weight that I’ve lost. I’ve done that before and all it got me was an additional 15 lbs.

So…what have I learned after 4 years? I know that I can lose a significant amount of weight. The question is can I maintain that loss and get to goal? Honestly, the weight loss aspect is fairly easy for me. When my eating/exercise plans are in check, the pounds usually fall without too much issue. Maintenance is where the real work begins. Moving forward, I want to be more in tune with my body. I realize now that I can’t push myself to be inside WW weight range. Once I reach onederland again, I’m going to listen and make a decision based on what I hear. I honestly believe my body will tell me when I’m finished…and if that means 190 lbs, so be it. My life plans are bigger than becoming a WW leader (no disrespect), so if I don’t make it to their goal, I’m not going to be crushed. Focusing on clean eating/exercise (with the occasional peek at the scale) will get me to the Promise Land.

I apologize to those of you wanting a peppy, inspirational entry this morning. LOL You guys have been with me long enough to know that I give it straight, no chaser. I appreciate all of the support I’ve received for the last 4 years. Everyone has been so patient with my tantrums and leaps from the wagon.

Here is the latest body shot (as promised). I’m not happy with it…but at least it looks better than the before pic, eh? As you can see, birthing hips are still in full effect. Please excuse the photo quality. I’m going to ask Santa for a new digital camera this year…



Until next time…


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I think you look GREAT. 🙂 I’ve been following you for such a long time… what I always love about your progress photos, regardless of where you are in your journey, is just how confident, strong and self-assured you always look. That shines through so much more than anything else, and is proof (in my opinion) that you will be successful no matter what. (Or how long it takes! 🙂 [I sympathize!])

March 28, 2005

Essentially, I could have written this a year ago. Let me tell you what can happen. The motivation can continue to drop off, and months and months later you can find yourself even farther from your lowest weight, knowing exactly what you are doing wrong but feeling powerless to stop your self-sabotage. You’re in a position to prevent this yourself… if you figure out how, please share it!–

March 28, 2005

Court, I am so here for you. Even though I’ve only been on program since July, I managed to get to the point where you have been at lately too….the loss part was pretty easy, but it’s the maintaining that’s a bitch. I know that you can do it though, because you’ve worked too hard to let yourself really REALLY slip up. If it takes you a year to lose those 15 pounds, so be it. I love you girl.

You look GREAT, and you are so much healthier than you were. I know I’m not one to talk, but just keep doing what you’re doing. Focus on being healthy instead of the scale. Look at all the stuff you’ve done in terms of marathons, etc. You are amazing!

March 28, 2005

You look fantastic!!

March 28, 2005

You look AWESOME! Keep up the good work and compare those pictures. You dont even look like the same person 🙂 HUGS!!!!

March 28, 2005

you have come so far and should be very proud! you look good, girl! I have a question for you though. I love the weight watchers program but no matter how hard i try even with eating my 35 flex points i am sooo hungry!what do you do when that happens,because sometimes 0 point veggies or 1 pt fruit isnt close to cutting it!should i just ride out the hunger or what?im 175 and have been eating 23 pts

C,try not to feel down about your progress. You have totally made a lifestyle change. I know that its hard. 4 years on this journey is amazing. You are too determined and I know you will achieve what you want to achieve. Its so much more than numbers, you are in control and getting it done. Cheer up. Dont worry about the down post. Im always bitchin on (Jackie)

March 28, 2005

Keep up the good fight…..YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!! *hugs*

March 28, 2005

wow. you look aMAZing. 4 years. And to think… I just started today.

March 28, 2005

((((hugs))))) I am confident you will get through this patch. You are AWESOME and I just know it. I just went through a rough patch myself. Then I got back on track and felt INVINCIBLE. I’ve lost 16.8 lbs since Jan. 8. I was exercising EVERY DAY. Now, my husband is gravely ill, and I find myself falling into the self-talk. you know, oh, poor me, my husband is sooo sick, I deserve a day off.

March 28, 2005

I’m so stressed/tired/depressed/sad/upset (insert adjective here) that I really NEED this extra fattening goodie…I see myself doing it and after just two days I can feel the difference. I know, logically, that exercsise willm make me feel better in more ways than one. But can I convince myself? Nope. Linette

You look amazing. Plants need the dark of night as much as the light of day to grow. And sometimes you need the steps backwards as much as the steps forward. Chazari

March 28, 2005

you are looking good! ok, totally understand the emotions. i think like you and i talked about last month…we just have to focus on getting to where we were then we can think a little further ahead. ye gods! we need motivation…lol

March 28, 2005

Well, I’m with ya. My 4 years just passed this past Thursday, I think I ate about 10K Points that day to celebrate! I hate being fat, hate having to do WW, and am sick of it all! That being said, you look great! We WW’ers are hardest on ourselves, and I think some people do tend to forget that we are human and that we can’t always be happy WW poster children. Life and science happens!

March 28, 2005

And I say science because it is pretty well known that after losing a great deal of weight, the body fights to try to get the weight back. So we have to fight not only the mind, but the body and all its mysterious ways of trying to do us in, it’s a freaking battle, and it is tiring, sometimes exciting, and often boring and frustrating.

Glad you are being honest about your feelings. I joined WW 15 Mar 2001, so 4 years now for me too. I’m also (conincidentally) up 15 lbs from my thinest at present. We are our own worst critics. I find positive, loving thoughts are just about the best medicince in this situation. Kelley in NJ

March 28, 2005

I don’t care what you say, you are adorable!

March 29, 2005

Tt has to be for ourselves. I started climbing again and found it NOT exciting to be making healthy choices. But at 25 and 53, these are life gaining choices we both will live LONGER because of them. You are beautiful now, and we both have to learn how to lose again. Cause it aint hard to over eat.

March 29, 2005

I don’t know what to say, you give me so much inspiration and I’m at a loss when you need it. I’m sorry. You do look amazing though.

As everyone else has said, you look fabulous, you’re a kick in the pants, and you’re worth it. I think losing a “whole person” takes some getting used to and we probably resist physically and mentally on some level. Focus on the lifestyle that makes you feel healthy rather than numbers. Find the life balance that makes you happy.Hugs to you Ms. C Diva! Congrats on your accomplishments!

March 29, 2005

No matter what the scale says, you are still amazing. You’ve accomplished in 4 short years what some have been trying to accomplish in a lifetime. You’ve lost half of yourself. Do you ever think about where you would be if you hadn’t decided to make that change 4 years ago? Don’t worry about the time period, it’s a life style change, we all hit bumps in the road but we work past them. Keep moving!

You look great girl and I know it is hard to get pass those bumps but if no one else can you sure can. You have come such a long way and you are such an inspiration. Modesty12

Girl you are an inspiration to everyone and I love the fact that you keep it real!!! Anyone who has attempted to loose weight and keep it off knows how you feel. I got down to 196 and now I am 215 But you know what, I will never give up. That is the journey Courtney to never stop trying and believing that if God give’s you one more day, then that is one more day to reach your goal. tontoy

March 29, 2005

It goes without saying you look Fabu! Oddly enough it was after about 4 years on WW for e that I started suffering the same thing as you are. It just ocurred to me as I was reading what you wrote. You will get it figured out and do what you need to do. As Serilen said, you are not powerless here. You have the ability to move forward. I have faith in you. More in you, than in myself, actually.

You know I love you so much C! Thanks for simply being you. Yesterday I had a meeting with a professor and she told me that the secret to living a free and happy life is to be willing to disappoint others. It is not about the crowd, and you already know this, it is about being happy and satisfied with Courtney. Congrats and Happy Anniversary, BABY! Smooches…

March 29, 2005

yep, you know how I feel about it. You are a true inspiration, and though I can understand the discouragement that can happen, please don’t give up. You look amazing, and you as a person are amazing. Don’t let this weight thing control all other aspects of your life. I support you and admire you.

Congrats on your 4 year milestone. You were my inspiration to begin my weight loss journey. I read your diary from begining to end serveral times before I started WW. I’ve lost 75lbs since June 29, 2004. I learned from reading your diary that weight loss is a process not a one time thing. So as you celebrate, I’d like to say thank you for your honesty, and for being real.

crap! i meant to make that note private since it was from the other diary and he reads this one. would you mind deleting it? im sorry.

No matter how long it takes I know you’ll get there! Just don’t let the struggles get you down. You have come a long way baby! A Fan!

March 29, 2005

You are my inspiration because of your honesty about the struggle to acheive weight loss. Please know that we support you no matter what you do or what your weight. Thank you for being here for the rest of us and letting us know we are not the only person struggling.

March 29, 2005

hun, u look great. for a while there i have been wondering, is the weight range WW wants me to be in really what my body needs to be in? my doc says no and i say, maybe i will never reach that weight (max 174) and then a part of me wonders, if being 180 (still a ways to go) is really going to make me feel better about me? regardless, i am so proud of u! happy WW-versary 🙂

C- I am with you also girl. I hope us relating to your struggle helps some. I have struggled since November teetering on the scale. I am glad I read your post today and know that you know “the struggle” and that I am alone. I cannot see your current picture,must be my computer. Never apologize for being real that is why we love you and reading your posts. Take Care! Nascar_girl

March 29, 2005

Slightly discouraged or not, you look awesome, you gorgeous bitch! 😉 heehee

Hi Courtney- I totally know where you’re coming from. It’s been about 4 years since I started as well. I’ve gone from 270 to 180, and for the past two years I’ve been at 180-185. The initial push down to where I am took a lot of energy, both physical and mental. Although I’ve been staying around 185 the past couple years, I consider it learning to eat and live like a 185 pound person, instead

of a 270 pound person. That is no small deal. And the same goes for you. It’s one thing to lose weight and it’s another to learn how to be and live the life of the person at that weight. The fact that you’ve been at it for 4 years and haven’t regained up to where you were shows that you’re going about this the right way. When I’m reading success stories in magazines and stuff, the ones who

have lost 100+ pds in a year or 1.5 years… I’m always a little cynical if they’ll be able to maintain, because, as you said, that’s the hardest part. Maybe I’ve lost my point,but I think you’re on the right track and although frustrating, your changes will be permanent. Feel free to email me if you want to talk about it anymore.I feel like I”m in a very similar place.-Sara saranade22 at hotmail

March 30, 2005


I know how you feel. It is hard to stay focused, but forget the number. You look fantastic and think about instead the successes you have had. Love yourself! You are a true diva! Mary Ann

March 31, 2005

You’ve gotten a ton of notes and there is no doubt why: even in your struggle to get to whatever your goal may be, you are inspirational. You tell your story like it is. Thank you. On another note (I didn’t read all yours so I don’t know if it is mentioned or not), you can still be a leader- your just need a dr’s note saying what YOUR healthy weight is.If it is something you want to do, go for it

Ok,I lurk here.I could have written this post myself.I’m down 215 lbs and I’m 10 months in maintenance. But,I don’t even understand the term “maintain” yet.I’ve gained about 5-7lbs and it terrifies me. Not the lbs,but the fact that I’m scared I’ll never be smaller.My frustration is that losing-I can do-but the idea of staying the same is foreign. Will I ever be happy be this body? I pray I will.

April 3, 2005

I think you should be damn proud of what you’ve accomplished.. no drugs, no surgery.. it’s all you baby.. and I think you look great and you’re obviously in good physical shape. Yes, it would be amazing if you reached your “goal”, but look how far you’ve come.. I’d say you’ve reached a wonderful goal..

April 3, 2005

Hey Diva-licious, A lot but heartfelt Happy Anniversary! You have accomplished so much in 4 years. Woman stand proud. You are still a ray of sunshine and hope for those of us who still can’t get it together. Live your Life!!!! Smoochies! Wandioso

Courtney girl, keep fighting the good fight. This weight control thing is not easy. And apparently it is never over, but I can tell you one thing 15 pounds more than 199-ish is a helluva sight better than 15 pounds over 406 right? Keep going girl and you’ll start losing again. In the meantime, how hot do you look? … And you are making big luuuuurve moves?!!! you go girl!!!!