And now for some fun…

Thanks for the kind notes in my last entry. LOL Nice to know that some of you shared my desire to go Kill Bill on the little boy and his daddy.

A – Available: For What?
A – Actors/Actresses: Don Cheadle, James Gandolfini, Edie Falco, Jeremy Piven, Angela Bassett
A – Annoyances: Bad drivers, bad kissers, bad bartenders, my coworker "Shrek"

B – Best Friend/s: are very important…
B – Bar: Duffy’s Love Shack in St. Thomas
B – Birthday: 9/18/77

C – Crush: That’s easy…Mr. CFM at the gym. He’s yummy…
C – Car: Please…I drive a TRUCK.
C – Cats: Ick…

D – Dead Pet’s Name: Kyco (KY for Kyle…CO for Courtney…get it?)
D – Diary Favs – Too many to name!
D – Dog: I adore them…

E – Easiest person to talk to: Red
E – Email:
E – Earrings (how many?): 6

F – Favorite color(s): Black, pink, red
F – Food: Cajun, Italian
F – Foreign Slang: "Bollocks"

G – Gummy Bears or Worms: Bears
G – God: is good…
G – Good Times: taking trips with my girls, shopping at Sephora, happy hour, fitness events with Chesty & Jersey Girl, drinking games at Roxie’s apartment (my head *still* hurts when I smell zinfandel…LOL)

H – Hair Color: Dark brown
H – Height: 5′ 10"
H – Happy: Yes

I – Ice Cream: Cold Stone’s Oreo Overload
I – Instrument: Violin and a little piano
I – Idol: Kat & Cat for having the courage to relocate and follow their dreams…JerseyGirl for being one of the strongest women I know…Milenka for never giving up…and Jackie for being the rock her Mom needs…

J – Jewelry: Sapphires, please…
J – Job: Corporate travel consultant
J – Joke: What does a fish say when it runs into a wall? DAMN!

K – Kids: Someday…for now, I’m happy with all of my adopted nieces, nephews and goddaughter
K – Karate: The Little Prince won a tourney last weekend…
K – Kung fu: No thanks…

L – Longest Car Ride: Mardi Gras trips to New Orleans…
L – Love: My family and friends…
L – Live (hometown): Dallas, TX

M – Motto: Live Strong…
M – Music: major part of my life
M – Movie Last Watched: Madea’s Family Reunion (theater) and North Country (PPV)

N – Name: Courtney
N – Number of Siblings: 1
N – Northern or Southern: Northern Born Southern Belle
O – One Wish: World Peace…and less phlegm
O – One Phobia: Mice
O – Otter Pop: ahhh…childhood.

P – Parents(married or divorced): Divorced
P – Part of your appearance you like best: My smile

P – Part of your personality you like best: Sense of humor

Q – Quick or Slow?: Umm…
Q – Quirks: Too many to name…
Q – Quality: is more important than quantity…most of the time.

R – Reason to smile: Camryn
R – Reality TV Show(s): Top Chef, America’s Next Top Model, Blowout, Cheerleader Nation, 8th & Ocean
R – Right or Left Handed: Leftie

S – Song Last Heard: "In the Waiting Line"-Zero 7
S – Season: Fall
S – Sexual position: All of the above…

T – Time you woke up: 6:00am
T – Time Now: 7:05am
T – Time for bed: Usually 11:00pm

U – Unknown fact about my life: I think y’all know everything…
U – Unicorns: I’d like to think they really exist… *covering my ears for naysayers*
U – U are?: Feeling more like myself today…

V – Vegetable you hate: Lima beans *gagging*
V – Vegetable you love: Broccoli
V – View on Politics: Liberal

W – Worst Habits: Too critical, lazy at times, überbitchy, materialistic
W – Where are you going to travel next?: Austin, Chicago, San Antonio, Ocho Rios
W – What is your fav number?: 18

X – X-Rays: Only needed them once…so far.
X – Xcitment: road trips, fitness events, vacations
X- Xtra: Treats from Sephora and Lush

Y – Year it is now: 2006
Y – Yellow: reminds me of Lance
Y – Yucky: My knee

Z – Zoo Animal: Elephant
Z – Zodiac: Virgo
Z – Zamboni: would look cool with spinners…LOL

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April 11, 2006

Nice email, SickBitch. 🙂 Hahaha! Can I tell you that it’s a mindtrip that you, who inspires me more than anyone, could possibly look up to me for something? That just completely and totally made my day. Love you!

April 11, 2006

Awww, so sweet to say so. Don’t feel quite so strong some days! Okay, since you were entirely too sweet, I’ll kill Little Billy for you. 😉

Great entry!! Smooches…

April 11, 2006


April 11, 2006

Cool entry.

April 11, 2006

Awww, you rock! Seriously, as negative as I can be, I appreciate having you out there cheering for me, C! I think I’ll be stealing this if I ever manage to focus on something besides my uterus! 😉