All is well…

Hey Folks!

My diary has been neglected again, but everything is cool.

Work is still busy as hell…at least I have a job, right? My checks have been nice due to involuntary OT. The activities committee is still rolling along. The carnation fundraiser was an overwhelming success. I’m known as the “charity chick” in the office, so we’ll be doing a month-long food drive in April. I have no problem working hard to raise funds for our holiday party…but we have to make a few charitable contributions too. What can I say? 12 years of Girl Scouts has a permanent effect. 🙂

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=250 align=right border=1

<FONT face=verdana size=1
Whey protein powder-2pts

Van Pork Egg Rolls (2)-6pts
Black beans-2pts
SF Jello-0pts

Afternoon snack
Cottage cheese-2pts

Turkey Sausage-6pts
Brown rice-2pts

Evening snack
Dreyer’s Whole Fruit Bar-2pts

Total Daily Points: 28
Activity: 60 min. track


Fitness…My Lent plan is still going strong. It feels great to have my groove back. Chesty (for lack of better name) and I are starting the Beginning Runner’s program (again) tonight. I’m taking a new approach: slow and steady. The workout is a 13-week plan…so what if it takes me 16 weeks? Last time I was burned out and hateful after Week 7. I may not be a runner when all is said and done, but I’m determined to finish this stupid program. LOL How is that for positivity?

Vacation Motivation…St. Thomas is 4 months away! Here are a few pictures from our resort. I won’t go into financial details, but this trip is damn near free! That thought alone makes the sun brighter, men darker, and the drinks stronger. teehee


My realistic goal is to be 190 for the trip. My secret desire is to be 180. As long as I don’t see a “2” on the scale, I’ll be pleased. Swim training starts next month and I look forward to seeing my body change. The real work will be keeping my appetite controlled. I turn into a hungry heifer when a pool is involved.


Hope everyone has a great day!


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Have you checked out Jeff Galloway’s running programs? They are great for people just getting into running.

I LOVE St. Thomas. You will have an awesome time! Hey, is there anyway at all possible that you can take a SisterFriend? Just checkin’. Well Diva, I’m scared of you and your workout regime. I need to learn from the pro how to do it right! Smooches…

OH MY GOD THAT IS A BEAUTIFUL RESORT!!! I WANT TO GO!! NO FAIR, I am with you girl on wanting to be 190 in four months. Courtney I am just disgusted with myself I am sitting here at 215 and I just need to control the food. Okay I will stop ranting Take Care Tontoy email

Beautiful pictures! I can’t wait to hear how the running program is going. I start week 2 this week and stubborness is the only thing that is moving me forward. I dread hitting that treadmill today, but I’m going to finish that damn program!!

February 22, 2005

Don’t you have an extra ticket for Mommy? *sigh* To be so lucky. 🙂

February 22, 2005

Nice to hear from you. Glad all is well. Keep the motivation going girl!

February 22, 2005

hehe you sound like me. I feel the same way about my workout program some times. Oh have fun in St. Thomas

February 22, 2005

I could use that kind of motivation. 🙂

February 22, 2005

Whoa, those are some beautiful mofo’in pictures!–

February 22, 2005

Very breathtaking! You are a very strong willed individual and you will acheive your goals!!! Good luck, and again, thank you for the inspiration. I have a very long road ahead of me, but with you to look up to, I know that I can do it as well. Thanks!

Those pictures are beautiful.

February 22, 2005

Girl, send me some of those motivation vibes! I have been a big fat failure lately, I’ve got to get back on track!

February 22, 2005

Gorgeous pictures! Yup, print those babies out and put them on the fridge. I have been doing really well with the exercise challenge, but now my eating has gotten a bit out of control. Sigh. If one could put all the pieces together AT THE SAME TIME we’d be deadly, hm? Linette

February 22, 2005

that place is beautiful! In 4 and a half months Im going to Vegas, and I hope to lose about 20 pounds by then. We can do this!Wait,how much weight do you want to lose by vacation?i know you said 190 but how much weight is that.also i think i asked you this but if im 170-175 and want tolose 1-2 a week,how many points do i need to be eating a day?is 23-25 good?what about flex points?do you use them?

February 22, 2005

I don’t know what it is about the pool but when I leave the gym, I want food and I want it right then! Tell me.. what are you going to do with your hair when pool training starts… I’m having a hard time.

Why is it that swimming makes people so hungry? I’m always ravenous after being in a pool, even if I didn’t actually DO that much!

February 22, 2005

What a gorgeous place to go for a vacation….its enough to motivate me.

February 22, 2005

On your reccomendation, I ordered Passing For Thin. Thanks for mentioning it, great book! I do have to admit though, when reading it I flash through emotions like mad, one second I want to cry, the next I want to throw it out the window, but the whole time, I couldn’t put it down!

February 23, 2005

Okay motivation time

February 24, 2005

RYN: quit posting the chocolate photos or the teddy bear gets it….this is what popped into my head when i read your note. lol sorry chica….FOUR more chocolate truffles to tempt everyone. by sunday my entries will be chocolate-free…cha, right…whatever. 😉

February 24, 2005

Hi there… just randomming around OD. I recently started WW myself and your diary (especially your “success files”) are totally inspiring. It’s really unbelievable how far you’ve come! That trip looks AMAZING. Crossing my fingers you hit your target by then! NO 2’S!!! ; )

February 24, 2005

you so rock!