Why am I addicted to this damn show? I think it’s funny that Paula Abdul is judging singing/performing quality. Straight up, now tell me that I’m not the only one that thinks she can’t sing? LOL

It will be interesting to see if vocals win over the “pop star look” bullshit. Size has nothing to do with talent.

My faves:


Rickey-“Hercules! Hercules!” LOL

Kimberly-This girl has some serious soul…puts Kelly “Where’s Your Album?” Clarkson to shame.

Clay-Ok, I know he looks like a gremlin, but the boy can really sing! He did “Always and Forever” and I fell out. Where the heck did that voice come from?!?

Kimberley-Very impressed with her…and she’s working the big girl style.

And my absolute favorite Idol…

Frenchie! Girlfriend can SANG…not sing…but SANG! She is truly a star…and will make it big with or without AI’s help.

Now…I have to mention a few of the people that were just WRONG!

-Keith “Like a Virgin”…ugh…I can’t really say anything…you just had to see it.

-The chick in the initial audition with the electric pants. She backed her ass up to the wall to plug them in…priceless.

-The white boy that was steppin’ like a Black sorority sistah. HUH?

-The Singing Stripper…ugh…

-Lady Tiger…”I beg to diff-ah”

-The chick that came in with a picture of Mariah and thought she could really sing. Girlfriend, try again.

Edited to add:
-The guy that screamed out The Enrique Iglesias song…Oy, my bleeding ears…

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LMAO I totally agree! Frenchie rocks she has an amazing voice. It’s sad to think that she most likely won’t make it to the top ten because of her size. Damn society!

February 4, 2003

I agree, I have only caught 2 episodes, but Frenchie rocks!

February 4, 2003

I am hooked on this one and Star Search. I agree with your favorites, Frenchie is AWESOME!! The ‘Like A Virgin’ man….I could have lived my entire life and not missed sufferering through that.

February 4, 2003

I still have never watched.

LMAO! I’m laughing so hard right now…all of those people were too much – do they REALLY not hear how bad they are?? and Frenchie is my favorite. That girl Kimberly has a nice voice, but NOTHING compared to Frenchie or the other girl with the curly hair (forgot her name already) – nothing! i really hope that talent wins over appearance. i should be the next american idol – come on manage

I haven’t seen the show, but your descriptions actually make me half want to watch.

You know who I love? Oddly enough, Vanessa. While she doesn’t have as much talent as the Frenchie (who is going to be a “star” no matter how well she does on this show), she has a spunky-ness about her.

ryn: i should be on AI, but i’m too old apparently. lol…believeme – i’m not cocky, there is ALWAYS someone better then you, but i have a voice like kimberly. a lot of soul when i need it but flexible enough to sing almost any genre.

February 4, 2003

Thank you for your note, no hurry, I know you have to work. 🙂

ryn: lol…already commiting fraud are we???

frenchie kicks booty! i dig her the best and i’m hoping everyone will vote for her as well. 🙂

Ha — my personal fave is Ruben because he is representing my hometown — and because this dude that works at my dialysis unit is friends with him and says he is a really nice guy. Can’t wait to watch tonight — my eight year old is addicted to American Idol. 🙂

Dernit. I completely missed tonight’s episode but I’m telling you… Frenchie is my favorite. You can tell when she’s up there, she’s not trying to impress anyone – she’s just doing what comes natural. I for one, LOVE that she doesn’t come in a standard size 3 with long blonde hair and a belly button ring – it makes her even more special -I hope she wins.

Hello, my name is Donna, and I too am addicted to AI. “Straight up…” heheheh – that was bad. Very bad. Now, GF, as far as Kelly “where’s your album” Clarkson is concerned, I thought she was awsome… I think the new Kelly is great, but probably the same caliber as the old.

LOL!! “Like a vir-ir-ir-ginnnnn” Oh gosh. I can still hear that and see that guys face in front of me ::shudders:: He was SO convinced he had a good voice, too! =O I LOOOVE Frenchie, as well, she has a such a beautiful and powerful voice! And whether or not she makes it as the AI, I bet she’ll be contacted by plenty of people who DO want her. I think one of my faves is Julie . . . she sang last

night. (the one whos sister had that little spiff with Kimberly telling her all about respect lol). Even though the judges (pppffftt) said her performance wasn’t her best last night . . . I think she was awesome, very beautiful voice. Simon was really funny in the beginning . . . now he’s ticking me off. I hated how he was speaking to that one guy about his clothes =/ That was so rude. But I

sure did love when his dad went on that stage and game him a piece of his mind! LOL. Yes, I’m addicted to this show! 😀

February 12, 2003

did you hear they axed frenchie because of her past???