After the Rain…

LOL Remember cheesy ass Nelson? Chesty was in love with them…

Thanks for the anniversary notes/emails! You all even support me when I’m being a moody heifer…amazing.


I truly felt a sense of relief once my anniversary passed. The pressure to succeed by a certain deadline is gone and I’m loving it. Ok…so I’ve spent the last 4 years chasing the Holy Grail. I’m not giving up the search…but what’s the rush? I’ve been fat since age 12…what’s a few more years? Honestly, I’ll always be fat according to society’s standards. I’m not aiming for skinny…just brickhouse. I’m almost there! As I told Lynn, I’m currently a brickhouse with a 2 car garage.


So…let’s talk television.

Canivale:  I am still in shock over the season finale. I really didn’t think I’d enjoy the show…but the constant battle of good vs. evil sucks me in. I’m ashamed to admit that Justin is hot…for an older, demonic white dude. LOL

the L word: I still enjoy the show…but this season is starting out slowly. I’m disappointed in the Dana storyline. Why would the writers spend so much time developing Tonya’s character…only to end it with a lame breakup? Still bitter that Marina is not on the show. I’m very straight…but that woman would make me question myself. I also want to know how in the hell could Bette not know Tina was pregnant? Come on now…I know Bette her head up her ass, but that’s a bit much.   Have you noticed the similarities between the L word and QAF characters?



Well…it’s time for morning torture session Godiva’s class. Hope you all have a great day!





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March 30, 2005

You have a great day as well. I don’t watch those shows….so no opinions from me. 🙂

March 30, 2005

I don’t watch any of those shows either… I could watch Carnivale, but I just never got into it. I love Deadwood, though.–

March 30, 2005

Praise God for relief of pressure! After I wasted all that time typing that long note! LOL… it doesn’t matter… as long as you are cool.

I love Carnivale as well, you know ole girl is going to bring Justin back to life! I just hope Jonsie is still alive I really liked him, he was kinda cute to me also, maybe now that the season is over they can all nestle in to a warm bath, everybody on that show is dusty!!!! Tontoy

March 30, 2005
March 30, 2005

You didn’t tell me the nelson link would be not suitable for work since I got a big ole stop sign when I tried to click on it, I’m not allowed to look at thing that have to do with ‘Sex’ at work as the not told me… I’ll just have to wait till I get home.

March 30, 2005

God, I used to LOVE Queer As Folk…haven’t watched it in AGES.

March 30, 2005

*dances* I still have my Nelson CD…. and the follow ups…

March 30, 2005

hahaha a brickhouse with a two car garage!

NO YOU DIDN’T!!! He’s doing something to his diary and he unchecked everyone. Nobody can get into it. But he said it will be back up tomorrow.

April 1, 2005

you too

i saw your note on kats other diary.. doooont worry, everyone will be back on faves shortly

aight, sorry, youre back

April 3, 2005

lol… I thought I was the only one who found Justin just HOT… even though he’s a sick phuck.. oyvey.

April 4, 2005

RYN: LOL. I just saw your note! Yup, that shirt is from Oregon Trails. 😉 I love it!

hold on to your hat girl A HOOKER JOINED A GYM!!! DO YOU LOVE IT???? I got a personal trainer too. You’re a good influence on me.