A little bit of this…a little bit of that…

First, let me say thanks for all of the wonderful notes/emails I received about my Daddy Dearest entry..you guys are great.

Chesty and I are babysitting my 3 year old cousin tonight. He arrived this afternoon with a cotton candy machine, Elmo (the disturbing one with the leather jacket, guitar, and ridiculous shake). Nickelodeon is having a Spongebob marathon…how lucky can we get?

DonnainDallas asked Chesty and I to join her in the Walt Disney Half Marathon. We were all excited and ready to commit…until we found out that the 8,000 spots have been filled and we could only get waitlist status. Umm, I am not booking travel accommodations to Orlando for a possibility, ya know? We’ve turned our attention to the Las Vegas Half Marathon in January. None of us have been to Vegas, so we’re thinking of taking an extended weekend and hit the strip (assuming we can still walk after the 1/2 marathon). It’s still in the discussion phase, but I’ll keep everyone posted.

My cousin (the one that has the outrageous house parties) will be turning 40 in June. His wife is planning a huge bash and requiring guests to wear all black. I have a couple of months to find a diva outfit that won’t have me sweating like a rotisserie chicken.

I went to the MAC store today with a plan to buy foundation only. Why did I walk out of there with additional goodies?!? That store is dangerous for all women…but especially women of color. We’re drawn to the variety of shades. I remember wearing Clinique in high school and they didn’t have much to offer sistah girls. Pretty much cafe au lait and Alex Wek. Falling in between those 2 shades meant playing chemist in your bathroom.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend…the Little Prince is requesting my presence…


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Have a good weekend

April 13, 2003

i stay away from mac because i know i’d go crazy. really. loves,

April 13, 2003

You could always book a flight to Orlando and take a cruise, hehee. Have fun with the kiddo!

April 13, 2003

hope you had fun with Elmo and the gang. 😛


April 14, 2003

Three year olds are such fun! I hope you all had a good time.

April 14, 2003

just reading through your diary. congrats on the weight loss! you are amazing. you must be so proud.

ryn: umm, yeah – first off they need to start being honest with each other – that’s the real problem…

April 14, 2003

We don’t have a MAC store around here, I wish we did…

April 15, 2003

Even more dangerous than MAC is Sephora. We don’t have those in Canada, but I wanted to drop all my holiday money in NC in March there. Too. Much. Make-up!