A little bit of everything…

Ok…I guess I should apologize for my terrible diary etitquette. What can I say? Life has been in the way and OD isn’t a top priority. It happens to everyone, right?

“The Issue”-Things are starting to improve and my overall funk is starting to lift. 2005 was NOT supposed to start off with drama. Oy vey…

“Weight”-Honestly, I’m not concern with the numbers right now. My eating has been fairly clean and I’ve been working out. Still on hiatus from WW meetings, but I plan to return next month.

“Reunion”-No specific details at this time. Lynn actually knows the date of hers and I’m extremely jealous. Yes, I will continue to work…but knowing a date would make me kick it into high gear. *pout*

“STT”-Airport code for St. Thomas…tickets are issued! We leave June 23rd…if I’m not a total brickhouse by then, I’m not going. LOL Let me stop the madness…I am going…whether I’m a brickhouse diva or a tollhouse cookie. 🙂

“Collision Course”-Mashup CD from Jay-Z and Linkin Park. I usually pass on the whole rap/rock combo meals…but this one is great.

“Oscar 2005”-First, congrats to my baby daddy Jamie Foxx for *2* Oscar nods. The artist formerly known as Chesty and I will be throwing an Oscar viewing party. Complete with ballots, prizes, and candlelight supper that would make Hyacinth Bucket green with envy.

“Cassie Diva”-The Houston visit was great. Cassie is such a precious little girl. She makes me want to have my own…maybe…perhaps…get back to me in a few years. 🙂 We bought her a baby bike jersey (pink, of course). She’ll be the best looking kid at The Space Race!

“Philosophy”-You know I’m the unofficial spokesmodel for Philosophy. They’ve created new 3-in-1 flavors. I’ll take 87 bottles of this one, thanks…


“Biker Bitch”-I got some bike shoes while in Houston.  Very cute…next on the list is my road bike. Uncle Sam is buying it for me…what a great guy, eh?

Mardi Gras Fam Trip-Sometimes I actually like my job. We leave this Friday for a weekend of debauchery. There are 40 of us going…should be a blast. I’ll take pictures and post when I get back.

Well…time for spin class. Until next time…







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Yay, C!! Good to have you back. I missed you so much that I started reading your entire diary from the beginning. Smooches…

January 26, 2005

Holy crap 40 of you going. Be safe.

January 26, 2005

Good to hear from you. Have a fun trip! And girl do I agree…. 2005 WAS NOT supposed to start with a bunch of bull crap. How about we start the year over in FEb.? We can just pretend it’s a new year and forget January ever happened. Deal?

you are inspiring, hit my 10%…thanks to you, glad you are back!

January 26, 2005

MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!! I know you’ve been very busy, hope the Mardi Gras trip helps you relax. 🙂

It’s good to hear from you. We miss you!

I am so glad to see you back!!! I hope that your spirit will be uplifted by the trip. Have a great time and take many pictures. As far as your new year starting with drama – how about creating a clean slate and celebrate Chinese New Year (Feb. 9)!! 🙂 🙂

January 26, 2005

I’ve been looking for inspiration and motivation, and you’ve been gone for awhile, so I started reading some of your early entries to see what kept you going. I’m struggling right now. Pray for me.

January 26, 2005

always good to see you! Glad the funk is lifting.

I hope Jamie Foxx wins.

January 26, 2005

Does the Mardi Gras trip mean you’re coming up to a WW anniversary of some sort? I think I remember reading something like that on your web page. Glad to hear things are looking better… hang in there!–

January 26, 2005

I was so glad to see your update. You are greatly missed, but I do understand how life gets in teh way of OD sometimes :o) Take care (((HUGS))) I will send you the picture. Thanks so much for offering to do that for me :o)

January 26, 2005

Let me add my voice to the chorus–I am glad you are back, too! Understand completely how OD is not a priority, but you know your loyal fans worry when you do not post….Linette

January 26, 2005

Hey, glad to know you’re still alive….check out the new Good Housekeeping, there’s a weight loss contest in there that you might be interested in. Don’t know the details, I just glanced at the cover. Have fun in N’awlins!

Glad your funk is lifting! Those biker shoes are the coolest things I have ever seen!! Did you join the National Body Challenge this year? I would have but do register I would have had to drive TWO hours to the mall. But I’m gonna join the Self Challenge? Have you ever done that before?

January 27, 2005

I miss you I miss you keep posting Diva it is SO COLD HERE

January 27, 2005

No worries chica 🙂 We’ll do my b-day next year. Maybe LW and I can come down there, if I’m not too preggers to fly! *LOL* 🙂 Nice of Uncle Sam to get you a new bike. All I’m getting (if I’m lucky) is a pack of gum! *LOL*

January 28, 2005

Diva, you’re a weightloss/fitness queen, would you consider putting some tips in your diary (time permitting) on how you kept your body going and just dropping the pounds week after week? Thanks! Be Blessed!

January 28, 2005

Jamie Foxx was great in “Ray”…I think my mom has the hots for him.

Hey girl. My new fave Philosophy is Gingerbread Man, I can’t live without it. 2 Die 4! If you’re into those kind of unique scents, you might like this perfume I just started wearing, the line is called Comptoir Sud Pacifique, have you heard of it? They have got some of the most AMAZING scents. Amour De Cacao, Coeur De Vahine and Fleurs Des Caraibes are THE BOMB!!! It’s pricy, but worth it!