A Chance to Relax on Saturday? Me Thinks No…

Why is it that when you really need a relaxing weekend, it never works out?

My day began with a trip to the Susan G. Komen Center @ NorthPark Mall. I simply mentioned getting a group of coworkers together to do the Race for the Cure and somehow got roped into being team captain. I had to pick up 23 t-shirts, race packets, and bibs for the Travel Divas. I didn’t mind going to the mall…but I had to battle all of the no-driving Oklahoma fans that are here for the Texas/OU football game. Good Lord, these folks are terrible on the road. Buford, that “stick” coming out of your steering column is a TURN SIGNAL. Be rebellious and give it a try.

After the usual Saturday errands, I had a baby shower to attend. I managed to get out of there without my baby clock going haywire. My friend Chris and her hubby don’t want to know the sex of the baby. LOL I’ve never seen so much yellow and green in mi vida loca. They chose an adorable John Lennon theme (unisex, of course). A few pics from the event:

Chris (Breeder Diva), WW Diva, and my 2 year old cousin (the ultimate birth control). I’m so glad I managed to pick Maternity Blue for the event too…geez

My cousin’s wife and Super Toddler

Just had to post a picture of this cutie with the cake face…

Tonight I’m meeting some friends to go see Brown Sugar. Taye Diggs…yum

Hope everyone is having a great weekend…

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wow, sounds like you had a good day and i agree, traffic out there is completely horrible; i live in fort worth and that’s what caught my eye; u in dallas. neways. u go girl on that weight loss, you are amazing! i also started a diet kind of program about 6 weeks ago. i have lost 6 pounds i think. good luck w/ the race!

October 12, 2002

Being around other people’s kids makes me know I don’t want to have my own. 😉

October 13, 2002

Nice pic of kid grabbing your boobie, lol. Cute! You look great, too!

Gosh, wish I looked that good when I was pregnant! Thanks for the note :))

October 13, 2002

You’re a little cutie! RYN: Yeah, good thing we got out in time.. but whatayagonnado???

October 14, 2002

You look SO good, Diva! I love the cake face pic too. 🙂

October 15, 2002

Adorable kids! 🙂 RYN: Feeling better already! 🙂

What cute kids!