25 or 6 to 4

What a weekend! I had a great time in Chicago…much needed after suffering from the election blues. Clinton/Obama 2008. Let’s work on some stragery and make it happen people! 🙂

Ok…Chi-Town…in 24 hours!

We arrived at O’Hare at 10:00pm…took a cab to the fabulous (and travel agent friendly) Renaissance Chicago Hotel. We freshened up and hit the streets. LOL I must say it was amusing seeing my travel buddies (Red & Tucker) deal with the 40 degree temp and wind. Native Texans=No Tolerance Under 60 Degrees.

The Divas of Dallas ended up in a New Orleans themed bar with live music. Dark and low key…perfect atmosphere to stalk the cute drummer. I fell in love 3 times (different men) in 24 hours. I don’t need a lifetime…just give me a couple of hours. :p

We walked the streets of downtown for quite a while. After watching the construction workers put the finishing touches on Marshall Field’s elaborate Christmas display (at 1:30am), it was time to go crash.

Saturday morning, we ate breakfast at the hotel and headed to the shops. We walked forever. The weather was nice (sunny and high 50s), so no complaints. The Southern Bells had never experienced Chicago deep dish, so we headed to Giordano’s for lunch. I ate a healthy breakfast (oatmeal & fresh fruit), so I could fully enjoy pizza time.

After lunch, we headed back to the hotel, checked out, and stored our bags. One fast (and furious) cab ride later, the divas were at Navy Pier. Tucker and Red found some great souvenirs. T’s little boy adores Thomas the Train and we found a specialty store! He definitely got hooked up. NP is a pretty cool place.

A couple of hours (and too much money) later, we got our bags and took the train back to O’Hare. We were all exhausted, but pleased. After a (thankfully) uneventful flight to DFW, we touched down at 10:00pm…exactly 24 hours from the Chicago arrival. LOL We had the same driver on the park & fly shuttle and he remembered us. “Short trip, huh?”

What else is going on? Nothing too newsworthy. Chesty and I have been packing for the move. We get the keys on 12/9. I am beyond excited! Our current apartment is too small for 2 divas and 2 psycho schnauzers. The new place has a lot more space, breakfast nook, garage and a garden tub. *happydance* We’ve decided to have a housewarming party. Why? because as single gals with no children, we get the short end of the stick. I have purchased more than my fair share of engagement, wedding, anniversary and baby gifts. Not to mention supporting school fundraisers. LOL It’s time to collect. All of you are invited, of course.

Here’s a floorplan for the new digs. Chesty agreed to let me have the master bedroom (and a bigger chunk o’ the rent).

Well, that’s it for now. I just wanted to check in with my web folks. Hope all is well…




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November 7, 2004

Reminds me of the Episode of SitC, when Carrie “married” her self and registered at Manolo Blahnik. 🙂 The question is, where will you be registering???

November 7, 2004

the last part made me chuckle.. ever see the sex and the city episode where carrie marries herself so the friend can replace her shoes? chi town sounds like fun 🙂

November 7, 2004

sounds like you had fun in chicago! and good luck with the move and the housewarming… just curious, but what makes you like Hillary? I’m from NY, and I can honestly say she has done nothing for my state since she’s been sentator. I do like Obama though, he seems like he has a lot of good ideas. 🙂

November 7, 2004

im all about hilary in 2008.

November 7, 2004


November 7, 2004

Ok I’m totally with you on the Clinton/Obama in 2008 thing! Glad you had a fun albeit short trip to Chicago. Thanks for the title which now has the song running through my head! 🙂 I’ll deal though. Take care and enjoy your new digs!

I think your trip was ideal. Chicagoans can be annoying in large doses. I know this because I am one! lol Glad to see you back and in good hooker spirit. Love ya! ::hugs::

November 7, 2004

thanks for the advice girl!

You are sooo funny. It seems like you had a great time in Chi-town. I could NEVER only stay there for 24hours, I would be so sad because I would want to do EVERYTHING. Smooches…

November 8, 2004

Whirlwind trip! I like the apartment layout.

LOVE the looks of the new place…Hoping we’ll get to see actually pics once you’re settled.

November 8, 2004

The windy city is always fun, but you girls make it ever more so…. oh that new place looks awsome, i think the master bedroom will be worth the bigger chunk of rent ;o)

November 8, 2004

I am sooo for Hilary in ’08! And that apartment looks wonderful. 🙂

November 8, 2004

I love Chicago…we had a whirlwind trip there a few yrs back. It was a blast. I too am VERY depressed about “W” being around another 4! Well the good news is I hit 199.8 this past Saturday. I am trying to take it as a casual thing and just keep sticking to the plan and go with the flow. I bought my wedding dress Saturday. Big day is 8 wks from Saturday. I love the new apartment

I am glad you had fun, so did you get any phone numbers from the loves of your life? There is nothing wrong with long distance love affairs! (Smile) Tontoy 242.2/208/160

November 8, 2004

Clinton/Obama???? NO WAY!!!! Obama, yes! Hillary???? ARGH!!!!! RUN AWAY!!!! RUN AWAY!!!!! *LOL* 🙂

November 8, 2004

When’s the party???? Are LW, Stinky and I invited??? 🙂

November 8, 2004

LOL, you have been watching too much SATC! 🙂 The new place looks fab!! Hella big for an apartment!! I want a big tub 🙁

November 9, 2004

You must let us know what is on your list of new home wants…

November 9, 2004

I did the “i’ll pay a little more for the LOT bigger room & private bath” thing at my house too! It’s great to have roommates who are cheap!

Hi. I don’t know if you remember me but i used to belong to a WW support group with you probably… three or four years ago. My diary name was “set adrift” anyway… i’m trying my darndest to get back on program, and i’m just checking in with other WW folks to see what’s shakin’.

November 10, 2004

You have a lovely place…two bathrooms…easier to de-Diva at the end of the day.

November 17, 2004

I’m glad someone else agrees with me on the Clinton/Obama ticket. I’m all over that campaign.