2003: The weigh it was…

Can you believe 2003 is coming to an end? I make that statement every  year, but ’03 truly went by in a big, happy blur.

Weighty Issues…

I lost 40 lbs in 2003. While I did lose more in 2001 (98 lbs) and 2002 (48 lbs), I feel that I accomplished more this year. I learned so much about my body, character, and soul. This year definitely had major struggles, but I’m grateful for every experience. When I decided to broadcast my fitness journey to the world, I was determined to keep it honest. It’s important to me that people see the real deal. Weight loss is so much more than progress pictures, smaller clothes, and compliments. I receive a lot of emails that call me an idol or inspiration. My thoughts on it? I appreciate the positive feedback, but I think the terms are wasted on me. Lance Armstrong is an inspiration…I’m just a stubborn fat girl that’s determined to obtain the most fit body I can achieve. 🙂 Anyone can lose weight. The difficult part is changing your lifestyle in order to keep it off and increase fitness level.

Fitness Events…

LOL It will definitely be hard for 2004 to top this year’s fitness events. I completed (5) 5K events in 2003, but my desire (and Donna’s) to push myself was overwhelming. I needed to raise the bar. In June, I participated in the Danskin Triathlon with my fitness partners-in-crime. Not one to rest on our laurels, we rode 25 miles for RFTR in October. While both events are memorable, the bike ride still amazes me. We rode in terrible conditions: rain and  cold. It’s amazing to me that one race could make me feel so insecure and question my abilities in the beginning…only to be overwhelmed with emotion and awe at the end. The best part was being able to participate with my friends.  My mom says that the 3 of us will probably share a hospital room when we raise the bar too high…”What’s next? Bungee from the Empire State Building?” LOL

Job Matters…

I like the company that I work for, but I can no longer deny the fact that I want a complete change. I haven’t told my Mom yet (she will flip…a little thing called a business degree going to waste), but I want to switch gears and join the health/fitness world. Short term goal: certified spinning instructor…long term: dietician. I feel that if I don’t pursue this, I will never truly happy with the professional aspect of my life.

Financial Follies…

2003 definitely leaves a lot to be desired in this department. However, I paid off one of my student loans and the other has been decreased to $1800…from $7900. Not bad, right? I still have champagne taste on a tap water budget, but I honestly don’t see that changing. LOL


I set a goal for this year to stop being bitter about my nonexistent relationship with my father. No improvements made…just a change from anger to indifference. A family friend has provided him with Courtney updates for years…and I’ve asked this person to stop giving the 411 on me.

As for dating, I don’t really know what to say. Trey was the highlight and I couldn’t get past the child issue to pursue anything serious. We still talk, but he knows he’s in the friend zone. I’m not sure what I want. I do know that I don’t want to talk about it right now. Moving on…


2004 Goals

  • I’d like to lose 15 lbs during the National Body Challenge (January 10, 2004-April 3, 2004). I’ll add a progress chart to my website.
  • Complete 40 mile ride in the Space Race on March 14, 2004
  • Participate in Ft. Worth Zoo 5K, Komen (Dallas, Austin, Ft. Worth), Run for the Rose (Houston), Danskin Triathlon (Austin) and Ride for the Roses Weekend (Austin)
  • Reach the elusive 199 by May 1st…and possibly goal (170) by the end of the year


All in all, I’ve had a great year and I look forward to the changes that 2004 will bring. Thanks to everyone that has offered support in “real” life, OD, Sistahs on Weight Watchers, and email. Hell, I’ll even thank the lurkers on OD that read but never note. :p

Well, it’s time to leave for spinning class…

Until next time,



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well done xxx

Wow. You seem to have it so together. Great job. I love the way your goals are organized and clearly laid before you. You are an idol. Keep up the good work. The rest will come. You know that it is a work in progress and you have to grow and change. You can still be a dietician and work at your current job until you get the degree.

December 28, 2003


December 28, 2003

All I can say is, I get the bed by the window! I have a feeling that this year is going to be a good year. You are one determined Diva, but you are also a role model and inspiration to those who are also trying. You may not feel like it, but you are — never forget that your actions may have helped someone along their journey. *hugs* hmmmm bungee-ing off the ESB? Sounds good!

December 28, 2003

Just a stubborn fat girl? Hardly that!! Come on…you made all those big changes and accomplished some other goals AND lost 40 pounds too? Has Lance Armstrong ever tried to completely change is lifestyle for something different, OR is he sticking with what he is good at? Believe me, I don’t want to take anything away from Mr. Armstrong because he is amazing, but you are too!

OK, I am one of those lurkers and one of those who sent you an “I’m inspired” email…So sue me (LOL). I TRULY think you ARE an inspiration. Lance Armstrong is the best at what he does, but you too truly are a champion at weight loss, Ms. Courtney! You need to understand that for those of us who have alot of weight to lose, you are no mere “fat girl”! Happy 2004! May all your wishes come true! -AW

December 28, 2003

Congrats on a job well done in ’03 and good luck on all of your goals for ’04. I know you can do anything you can set your mind to. 🙂

wow! I checked out your website, you look great! You are truly an inspiration, and a role model.

December 28, 2003

You would make a wonderful teacher. You’d probably have to carry around some before and after photos or people wouldn’t believe your top weight. Your pictures are looking great!

WOW! Good job on all the weight loss..and like one of the above noters..u got it together!

December 28, 2003

I’m one of those lurkers…I’ve been reading you, and I’m amazed at what you’ve accomplished. You should be very proud of yourself, not only for the weight loss, but for everything else as well. How many people can say they’ve completed a triathalon, run even one 5K, AND ridden 25 miles, all in one year? Not too many, I’m guessing.I hope you don’t mind that I’ve been reading you. Come stop by 🙂

from a long time lurker, who didn’t know she could leave a note without joining opendiary…. thanks for keeping it real, fresh, entertaining and thanks especially for your dogged determination…. you’d be an inspiring instructor.

December 28, 2003

i prefer ‘browing’ to lurking.. lol.. best in 2004..

December 28, 2003

you rock! your success and current pictures totally knock my socks off. You should be so proud.

I say do what makes you happy as far as your career goes, otherwise you will never be truly happy! good job!

December 28, 2003

You have it so together! Good job!

December 28, 2003

you look fabulous. Im going to do that challenge too, while Im in Michigan for the bar exam. No Bally’s in Canada, but there is one in Ann Arbor, where Im taking my class.

I’ve been lurking for years! LOL and cheering you all along the way! Best wishes in 2004! It’ll be a great year for me as well – Audrea :o)

I think you just became my idol. I’ve never met someone so interesting in walking/marathons. I’m glad you met so many goals this year and hope that you meet even more for the next! GOOD LUCK AND WAY TO GO.

Well done Courtney, I’m also one of the lurkers (from the UK) and I’ve been following your progress for most of 2003. You are truly an inspiration to me and I’ve set goals in 04 for me that I know are achievable, because you’ve already achieved them. Jennifer x

I’m a certified lurker! I have wanted to leave notes for you several times, but haven’t been allowed because I’m not an OD member. Since I have the opportunity now, I just want to tell you how awesome I think you are! Whether or not you believe it or think you deserve it, you *are* an inspiration to many, many people. Happy 2004!! Wishing you the best!

December 29, 2003

YOU ROCK, COCO 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Whether you like it or not, you ARE an inspiration 🙂 And a great friend 🙂 Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all the best for you in the coming year 🙂 *HUGS*

I have been reading you for ages, so I guess I could be considered a “lurker.” I am facing a health struggle, much like the yours and after 2004 I hope to be able to write about it like you have so eloquently written about yours. I am 24, weigh 295 pounds and am about 5’6″. So as you can see I have a long way to go. Thanks for being an inspiration to me. Best of Tidings to you in 2004! ~Kaye

December 29, 2003

RYN: It was the freebie thing they are handing out… it’s a booklet and an exercise DVD. Basically it’s a 2 week “kick start” thing where you eat 20 points a day (regardless of your weight) in a “deal a meal” type fashion (pick 1 from column a, 2 from b, etc) and you don’t get any flex points and can’t eat your activity points. Basically hell on earth *LOL* 🙂

December 30, 2003

While you may feel you are not an inspiration to us I KNOW you are. Whenever I think of my goals and aspirations for my fitness level I think of you, what you have overcome and where you are at. That truely is inspiration.

January 13, 2004

oh my goodness, you DID have a year worth remembering, it’s very inspirational to read your writing, woul dyou mind if I added your name to my favorites please? -Emily

January 13, 2004

Sounds like you’ve done well with your weightloss, congratulations.

January 13, 2004

Wow. 5 5ks, a triathlon, and a 25-mile bike ride? You put me to shame. My idea of a good year for exercise was getting a new job where I have to walk around and lift boxes occasionally instead of just sitting around all day. You are an amazing woman, and an inspiration. With your persistence and positive attitude, I’m confident you’ll reach your goal. Have a great year!

January 14, 2004

Your perseverance is inspiring. Keep working that bod, and here’s hopes you do hit the goal in 2004. 😉

do you still keep in touch with kendra, courtney? i was wondering how she’s doing.