2003 Goals-Part I

You folks know how I love to set goals. Some people advise against time/weight loss goals, but they keep me motivated. If I don’t reach a certain goal, there’s no disappointment…because I’m still fabulous. LOL

St. Patty’s Day
Target Weight: 248 lbs by March 17th.
Umm, we’ll see how Mardi Gras goes… :p

Target Weight: 243 lbs by April 20.
I plan to reward myself with a chocolate bunny…kidding…maybe.

Memorial Day
Target Weight: 238 lbs by May 26.

Danskin Triathlon
Target weight: 235 lbs by June 8.
I really want to accomplish this goal. Smaller body=More comfortable bike ride and less chance of starting a friction fire…

Notice that my goals are reasonable. While I’d love to reach goal weight tomorrow, it just ain’t happening. After the Danskin, I’ll set my holiday/special event goals for the second half of the year. Anybody else have a few holiday targets in mind? If so, post them…and let’s do this!

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February 6, 2003

L.M.A.O. friction fire!!! omg, the visual alone is worth the sore stomach i now have.

no you did NOT just say FRICTION FIRE!!! LMAO! so manager…too bad you’re not in NY – i’m heading to a live star search audition on monday!

*runs around the house in a thong screaming* i don’t think their ready for this jelly! i don’t think they’re ready for this jelly! i don’t think they’re ready for me & my body too bootylicious for ’em babeeee!

February 7, 2003

It’s good to set reasonable goals now. I think you’re in the zone of a more ‘relaxed’ and gradual loss. That’s what it looks like as of late anyway. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by to say hi. 😉

Friction fire – LOL : ) That’s great. And goals are great. I should round mine up and post them again.

You can do it!

February 7, 2003

RYN: step class? with my lack of coordination we’ll have to stay 10 ft apart and post signs around me. LOL. i was thinking of going to the 6.30 spin class on Monday. can we make spin class a regular MWF am thing? 😀 (after I go buy the padded seat. my butt is KILLING me — and it isn’t even the muscles that hurt.

Thanks for the recipes. I printed them all. You’re great!