

has been strangely peaceful. I haven’t had the overwhelming desire to jab someone with a fork…that’s progress, right? Our activites committee met today to plan our holiday celebration and set goals for 2005. A few work folks read my journal, so I can’t go into great detail. I will say that we’ll be calling in all kinds of travel agency favors to have our Christmas ’05 party here.

Oatmeal & whey protein powder-6pts

Morning snack

LC Spinach & Mushroom pizza-6pts
Green peas-2pts
SF Jello-0pts

Afternoon snack
Myoplex Lite protein shake-4pts

Baked Tilapia-5pts
Brown rice-2pts

Total Daily Points: 27


Well, let’s just say that area has room for improvement. I hate moving. Boxes everywhere…Braxton is freaking out. Bentley has been through 5 moves in his 8 years. As long as we manage to pack/unpack his food dishes, he’s cool with everything.

Fitness stuff…

The RC is still moving along. Lynn’s 2-week mini-challenge makes my abs scream. Focusing on this black hole of despair challenging area makes me wonder how much more will firm up. I’m 30 lbs from goal and Buddha is still (fairly) large and in charge.Tummy Tuck? Mos’ def…

Vehicle News…

I’ve decided to trade my truck in March/April. Right now, I’m leaning towards a Ford Esape.

It’s small, sporty…and the tank only hold 16 gallons…much more reasonable than the 26 gallon Gas Guzzler. I dont know if I can take too many more $40+ fillups. Trucks (especially the Ford F-Series) tend to hold their value in Texas, so hopefully I’ll get a decent trade-in value.


Christmas Goodies…

If my Secret Santa (or potential suitor) is reading this: Think SEPHORA.


The Biggest Loser…

I was sad to see Kelly Mac eliminated this week…but look how great she looks! Go girl…



J and I had a *very* long discussion about our issues. I think he finally understands my apprehension about dating him. It took me awhile to accept our relationship was never going into the romance direction. Realizing that his tune changed after I lost a significant amount of weight is tough to accept. It may be cowardly, but I’m keeping the ol’ guard up for a bit. Yes, I have issues…who doesn’t? 🙂


Well, that’s it for now. I’m going to a Dallas Mavericks game tonight with a few coworkers. One of our hotel reps hooked us up with great seats…woohoo!

Hope everyone is having a great week…



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December 2, 2004

**does first noter dance with big belly** Well woman, seems like your life is good and going smoothly. Enjoy the game tonight and keep up the painful ab workout, Buddy Belly will just have to take it’s stubborn self somewhere else. :o)

December 2, 2004

Hey you might want to check out the Jeep Liberty too (not that I’m biased or anything). I actually wanted an Escape when I bought my Liberty; I mean I really wanted it! When I compared the two side-by-side, the Liberty had way more bang for the buck, and much better performance reviews. Their base to mid-level model is comparitively priced.

December 2, 2004

Your job spoils you SO MUCH! 🙂 I just started watching The Biggest Loser last week…those people are amazing! I just can’t imagine doing 500 lunges (I typed that lunches first..what is that saying?) 🙂

Sister, can I say I hate you. You are so spoiled!! That is not a job, that’s a social club!! All you do is travel and party with them folks! Yes, I was sad that Kelly Mac had to leave. She was really a great motivation. Drea is a beast. she is looking good. Smooches…

My brother and his wife have an Escape. They love it! It’s a nice ride for sure.

December 2, 2004

Is the Escape the one that now comes in a hybrid version, too? You throw such cool parties where you work. :)–

December 2, 2004

so he will love you for your body after all go figure. Com on babes, we can get there…. I feel so positive this week

That resort looks beautiful! I hope you can swing it!

December 4, 2004

Kelly did a great job losing weight. The first time I looked at the show was this week (watched Kelly get the boot) and I was pleasantly surprised that the contestants treated each other respectfully. I hope the people who leave feel it was a good experience overall and not something they regret.