
Hey Divas and DivOs…


Life has been crazy busy lately…but it’s good chaos. 🙂


What am I thankful for?


-My family and friends…


-My health and weight loss journey…(despite struggling to get back under 200 again…)


-My new apartment…(the big move is 3 weeks away…woohoo!)


-Free airline tickets…


-Terrell Owens….







-Mom’s mac and cheese (it’s made with LOVE, so the points don’t count…)



I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!








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I’m thankful for my friend Courtney!!! AND SEXUAL CHOCOLATE…HOLY HELL THAT’S A HOT BROTHA!

November 24, 2004

I’m thankful for Courtney too!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 I miss ya Chica!!!!

November 24, 2004

yum-my. hello TO! 😀

Ok, that picture beats the picture I just posted, hands down, no contest!!! YUM!

THANK YA!!! Oh my goodness!! Sister, you know I had to go to his website! THANK YA GOD!!! I love chocolate men! I’m thankful for you too C! Smooches…

November 24, 2004

And a wonderful thanksgiving to you too!

November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25, 2004

you toooo be fair to your self today

Check out my entry about Eminem, Gooey Cake and Shout outs. There’s a little sumpin sumpin in there for you. Thanks for everything C.

November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!!~

November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

November 26, 2004

Well, well, well…. I think I gained a pound looking at this picture… Did I mention I love chocolate? Especially when it has abs like that……yummy! Okay.. I need to stop trying to lick the computer screen. Lord, please deliver me from this chocolate temptation!!!!

November 26, 2004

Girl, I had to leave another note!!!! That man is mmm mmmm good! Okay, hormones are back under control.

November 27, 2004

I can’t stand his attitude as a player (football fanatic here) but that doesn’t stop me from thinking of him as delicious.

November 29, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!!

GIRL! i thought that I was the only person in the world who is IN LOVE with T.O. He is soooo sexy!!