
-3.4 lbs at weigh-in today! I am so happy with my progress. As most of you know, I struggled for a looooong time and since my recommitment at the end of September, I’ve lost 17 lbs. I feel like the "old" Courtney again…but I’m doing things a little differently this time around. I lost over 200 lbs in 4 years by being ridiculously strict. I feel not allowing myself some breathing room and being obsessed about all things Weight Watchers was a major factor in my rebound gain of almost 90 lbs. I was burned out and discouraged.

This time around I am sticking to the basics recommendations of the program, but also finding the balance that works for ME. I eat clean 85% of the time and allow myself to have treats and enjoy myself on a regular basis. This may mean smaller losses over time, but my sanity is more important than having huge losses every week. I’m also not focusing on an official goal weight at this point. I’m going to let my body tell me when it’s ready to go to maintenance. The scale numbers aren’t as important as living the healthy lifestyle.

My goals for the new week…

-Do NOT get comfortable. My goal was to lose 8 lbs in November and I’m at 8.2 lbs with another week to go…and it’s a BIG freakin’ food week! I’d like to make it an even 10 lbs at my last weigh-in for the month.

-GYM…made it 4x this week…going to keep my goal the same, but increase the intensity.

-H20…only averaging about 8-9 glasses per day and I need to bump that up to 96oz. I just feel better when my water is on point.

-One "cheat meal" per week…continue this mindset…even on Thanksgiving. I’ll enjoy our holiday meal and end it at that…no packing up leftovers to take home!

-Wonder Twin Powers Activate…continue to have regular contact with Lynn, my weight loss twin. It seems there is a connection between our regular fitness/nutrition chat and success on the scale. 🙂

Hope everyone is having a great week!


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November 17, 2010

Have you heard about all of the changes coming to WW after Thanksgiving? It sounds really interesting. I am looking forward to the kick in the butt that changing things up will bring since being comfortable seems to be my downfall.

November 17, 2010

I love you because you are awesome. That is all.

November 17, 2010

Love your goals!!! *hugs*

Good job, girl! 🙂 D

November 17, 2010

Awesome! I completely agree about the stringent restrictions causing a rebound effect. It has got to be something you can do for LIFE. And .5-2 lbs a week can be done and still enjoy life. I am really enjoying my weight training, and really credit with a huge body composition change for me. The scale might not reflect it as readily, but the tape measure does. And the way I look in the mirror, too. Fascinating article, at least to me: http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_performance/the_hierarchy_of_fat_loss

November 17, 2010

You are fab! I completely agree on going a bit easier on yourself. I was also ridiculously strict and I burned out when I realized there was no way I could keep that up for the rest of my life. I think your body gets used to whatever you do, so if you eat like a bird to lose weight, guess what you have to do to maintain? Whereas, hopefully, if I can keep up a weight loss without going below an average of 1500 calories a day, I can eat like a normal person when maintenance comes around. Who cares if it takes longer? —

November 17, 2010

I think a healthy lifestyle with treats is a fabulous goal. Everyone should aspire to that!

November 17, 2010

You are so motivating. I’m trying to get back sis.

November 17, 2010

Awesome, you go girl!

November 17, 2010

Sounds like you’re on track to really make it work for you this time! A lot of people have a hard time grasping that losing the weight permanently is more important than losing it fast. Though it looks like you’re making pretty good time anyway! The leftovers are the hard part of Thanksgiving for me, too. One big meal isn’t so bad, but five can do a lot of damage!

November 17, 2010