
Hello Friends! <–all 5 of you that still read me. Heh. You know the drill…

I am recovering from my first sinus infection of the year. I started using a neti pot a few months ago and it has helped tremendously (I typically suffer 3-4 per year). As much as I try to avoid antibiotics (I believe you CAN have too much of a good thing), I ran for a z-pak this week and I’m now on the mend.

I finally moved out of Heiferville! I’ve been actin’ right for 2 weeks now and rewarded 8 lbs for my effort. I’m going to continue this trend. That is all.

The Mister
Things are still going well…there’s been a little talk of shackin’ and sinnin’ cohabitation sometime in the new year. I’m curious about how that will change the dynamic, but I feel it’s something we need to experience before moving to anything umm, bigger. I can’t even say the "m" word…Runaway Bride, Part Deux, y’all.

The Hair
Baby Fro is on the groooooow. I have serious HIH (hand in head) disease. I love my kinkycurlycoily mane. I’ll post pictures next week at my 2-month nappiversary…yes, that’s a real term. Sesame Street has the right idea…

Tri Nation
My dear friend Donna convinced me to volunteer for Ironman Texas in May. I’m already excited! We’re signed up for body marking in the AM and finish line duty in the evening…you know, basically the times when people are the most emotional. Looooooves it. I think she’s secretly hoping it will be a much needed shot in the arm for me. I’m not giving up on the world of triathlon…just taking care of the basics and getting back into my groove first. Besides, if I quit completely, I’d be a total poser with the triathlon tattoo on my leg. LOL

I think the new Extra Dessert Delights gum is going to be epic fail. Gum flavored like Key Lime Pie is going to make me want the real thing. I don’t care what Bob & Jillian say…

I suppose that’s it for now…let me know what’s going on with YOU, lovelies…

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October 13, 2010

Texas has an Ironman!? I never knew that! I am from the town where they host IM Canada 🙂 I giggled over shackin’ and sinnin’ 🙂 How are the wonder twins doing?

Happy for you! 🙂 -K

October 15, 2010

ah, it’s a TRIATHLON that will get you to houston. i seeeeeee *grins*

October 15, 2010

hey, what finish line are you volunteering for? there are three!

October 15, 2010

I have this crazy irrational fear that if I try to use a Neti Pot I will drown myself. I just can’t bring myself to do it, even though everyone swears by them. Agreed on the gum! I just don’t like the sound of it. And I am saying “Yay!” on the shacking up!

October 18, 2010

RYN: what the heck, seriously? the 5:30 finish line?? ok, i’m not that hard core lol. i signed up for body marking and the 1:30 – 5:30 finish line. lol i have a cousin doing it with me. and maybe a friend from the dog park as well.

October 21, 2010

I’m with you on the gum thing. Notice how advertisers make eating akin to orgasms in their blurbs, when we KNOW that stuff isn’t good for us. Be well, my friend. P.S. Write more and we’ll read more. heheheheheh

October 22, 2010

There’s gum that’s supposed to be flavored like pie? Just… no. Reminds me too much of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And I remember what happened to Violet. —

You sound great, glad things are going so well.

October 29, 2010

Yay you’re back. I’ve been MIA but am back on track with training and WW 🙂 Ironman… you’re hardcore lol! x