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Thanks for the all the kinds words regarding Angel. I appreciate it. I am still shedding tears for my friend, but I’m also smiling/laughing when I remember funny stories. It’s all a process, right? Strange as it may sound, her passing has given me new motivation for future fitness events. There’s an overwhelming sense of "Do it for Angel" among the local Tri Divas. Nothing but good could can come from that. 🙂

Triathlon training has been in full swing. Chesty and I have been pushing it hard…and I feel GREAT. Weight loss is at 26 lbs now. Not too shabby for 4 months. I’m still not attending meetings (and you can’t make me!) I use the monthly pass with WW, so I have access to eTools and more importantly, I weigh in every week with a receptionist. At this point, I’m paying for the accountability.

In other news, my little brother is getting married tomorrow evening! I am hitting the road with my mom, Ken and Chesty for the festivities. I am sooooo happy for both of them. R is a great girl and they are fortunate to have found each other. We’ll return to Dallas on Sunday morning…and a few hours after that, Chesty and I bored a plane for our Annual Bestie Trip…this year’s location is San Juan! I am looking forward to some serious beach time…

Well, work beckons…hope everyone is doing well.


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August 12, 2011

Oh my gosh. Your baby brother is getting married. Amazing! Congrats to him and your family. Congrats also on the weight loss. I need to do something…sigh. It is too easy to let it slide, when my husband is just as bad as I am about the goodies.

August 12, 2011

Have fun!

August 19, 2011

Enjoy the family time! It would be really cool to have a tribute t-shirt for your friend. Thinking about that Jacket Missy Elliot had for Aliyah…hmm

September 20, 2011

Hi Courtney! Hope all is well, haven’t seen an update in a while 🙂 Happy Birthday Fellow Virgo!