
Hey Folks!

Just stopped in to post my weigh-in (there’s that accountability thing again). -5.8 lbs this week! That makes a total of 9.8 lbs since I returned to WW 2 weeks ago. I am very pleased. I love that my batteries can still be recharged after all this time (and thankful that my "give a damn" isn’t busted LOL). I’m feeling focused and I *love* it. Having a supportive group of family, friends and boyfriend (yeah, I said it!) certainly doesn’t hurt. I feel the support without the pressure…and that’s a beautiful thing.

My goals for the upcoming week…

-Reach the 10 lb mark (this better not be a problem…c’mon!)
-Gym 4x
-Get back on the bike!
-Monthly girls lunch is at Pappadeaux’s on Saturday. I have a plan of attack with the food, but the real challenge will be staying away from their infamous Category 5 drink. Oy vey! Not worth the calories. (Repeat 182x)

So…another good week in the books. Weight Watchers is feeling fresh again…is Jennifer Hudson brainwashing me?!? As long as the scale keeps moving in the right direction, I’ll gladly be a Stepford Fattie.

Well, I need to get going…have an appointment at the girly doctor (lovely…would rather jab my eye with a fork) and then going into work for a couple of hours. It’s my day off, but the Volcano Madness has caused all kinds of chaos in the travel world.

Hope you’re all having a great week!

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April 21, 2010

Wow! Congratulations on WI this week! That’s wonderful! **giving you the bad girl look** Boyfriend?!?!?!? do tell, young lady! I’ve had losses for the last three weeks in a row which is a first! I’m switching over to SFT and it’s been working for me. Anywho, congrats again on those 9.8! remember that toyota commercial from back in the day—Oh, what a feeling! Have a good day!

April 21, 2010

Great job – you rock!

April 21, 2010

Whooo hooooo! Ohhhh BOYfriend!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with that one. I need to get motivated, too. I tell ya, being married is NOT good for the waistline. I love to cook for James and he loves to eat what I cook. I know, I know, I can make stuff that is healthy and good just as easily….sigh.

WOW–awesome weigh-in! You’re doing great 🙂

April 21, 2010

Good luck with the Category 5 thing. It sounds hazardous.

April 21, 2010

I think I have eaten at Pappadeaux’s in Houston. Oh my god their fresh tortillas…I’m drooling. We do not get good Mexican in Canada.

April 21, 2010

High five! Great job!

April 21, 2010

Congratulations on the weight loss. You are doing great. I tried NutriSystem for one month and could hardly swallow the food (guess I should have lost weight). I am definitely going back to WW.

April 22, 2010

Yay on the weight loss!! Fantastic work! 🙂 Stepford Fattie – that is priceless! I might have to steal that saying from you. LOL

Thank you SO MUCH for the nice notes! I can’t even imagine being in your shoes at a Weight Watcher meeting after losing over 200 pounds… You would certainly have a big spotlight on you 🙂 In a way, I think maybe the spotlight will help me to keep the weight off, but I’m still scared. It’s nice to know that I have a support group here on OD when I’m feeling down like this.