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Hey Folks!

Wow…I took a nice, long break from the ol’ diary, eh? Please forgive me

Business has picked up and things are going well.  I should get a raise in a couple of months and that makes Coco a happy girl.  In other news, we’ve had potluck issues (regarding people being invited to participate) and now there are RULES FOR POTLUCKS. Are you kidding me? Corporate America is so ridiculous. I remember when the idea to have an office Halloween Bash came up. With “Halloween” being an HR no-no, we were going to call it the Fall Harvest Cornucopia Howl at the Moon Soiree just to be smartasses. LOL


Boy Stuff

Things are still moving along with K. I’m reluctant to say very much about it simply because I don’t have a limited access diary, but a few of you have emailed me about it and I was happy to provide the deets. You’ll be happy to know that I haven’t sabotaged things (yet LOL) and my Virgo is behaving.  I’m supposed to meet some of his friends/coworkers this weekend, so we’ll see how that goes. mental note: do not drink an entire bottle of pinot grigio for “nerves”


Spin Divas Inc.

As usual we’re up to no good! Our last social event was the Tattoo Party in December. What better way to follow that than a 80s themed Pole Dancing class?!? We met up at Choice Training and did our thing in the Kandy & Krome room.  We had a blast! Everyone was decked out in 80s mess. I wore a pink bob wig with a huge Black bow, white button down Men’s shirt/capris and black lace Madonna gloves…No, you will not see any pictures. LOL


Weighty Matters

So, March was an EPIC FAIL. I managed to stay away from sweets, but it just pushed me closer to the salty snacks…trading one vice for another…so sad! Today is the beginning of a new month and I’m going back to basics. I’ve been ridiculously sloppy with my nutrition and blowing off workouts. That stops today…I feel like I’m spiraling out of control and thankfully, it was enough to snap me back to attention. Onward and downward *sigh*


Wonder Twins

I haven’t posted about them in awhile! The boys are doing well. 14 months old and running things…literally. We took them to the park yesterday and it was a real cardio workout for me.  Here’s a few pics…most are from the Irish Festival last month.



Sooooo…tell me what’s going on with YOU! I want to hear everything…



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April 1, 2010

Now I’m going to be saying “wonder twin powers, activate!” all day! The pictures are cute.

April 1, 2010

Love all of this!

April 1, 2010

RYN: I appreciate Isla Fisher is hot and so is her twin in my slimming club. I’m trying not to get an infatuation with her. Surprisingly, I have been losing the weight without massive gym workouts. Maybe I’d lose more with the exercise. One way I can see myself losing more weight is if I cycled to work but cycling has bad vibes in my family. My dad’s older brother was killed in a traffic

April 1, 2010

accident as a kid (and when my dad was young.) It’s strange that I am grown up and it would most probably cause friction if I did start cycling and they found out. I wonder if I can do it on the sly: my employer has cycle racks, shower and changing facilities so maybe I should take advantage.

April 1, 2010

No pole dancing pics? I beg you. The boys are too cute!

April 1, 2010

Oh my lord! It just seems like yesterday that you told us A was pregnant, and now they’re so BIG! I can’t believe it! Yay for not self-sabotaging things with K! 🙂

April 2, 2010

They are beautiful boys! Good to hear from you. Curious about what sorts of potluck rules were instated…

You SHOULD make a limited access diary! As long as you include ME of course 🙂 Because I would love to hear about your relationship! You’ve GOT to post pictures of the pole dancing class–that sounds so fun!

April 7, 2010

I’m working backwards here trying to catch up with OD… sounds like life is well dearest Coco, and that makes me happy! oh the twins are ADORABLE!!!! so darn cute!