
Hey Lovelies!

I’m a tad bit late with the January update…please forgive. Things have been crazy lately (I say this like my life is EVER free of chaos). Let’s get to it, shall we?

Cavegirl Chronicles
Ok…so I didn’t actually kick ass like a superhero in January. My goal was to lose the 10 lbs I gained from slacking in November/December. Ehhh…I lost 4 lbs. I am still 6 lbs over my pre-Thanksgiving weight, but no complaints. I am back to to basics and feeling great again. When I fell off the wagon after my grandmother’s passing, I went straight for gluten bombs and my body HATED me. Aching, swollen joints, headaches and gastric woes. Seriously…an occasionally non-Paleo treat is ok…but leaping off the wagon is no longer an option for me…and it has nothing to do with potential weight gain. What I put in my mouth directly affects my RA. Cheating just ain’t fun no’ mo…

Wedding Fun!
Who am I kidding? This will be the must nerve-wracking, stressful clusterfudge I ever attempt. We are still in the process of deciding on a venue, so no date yet. I am leaning towards October 2014. Why such a long engagement? Timewise, I want to be able to get things done without going Bridezilla and alienating friends/family. Financially, the fiance and I are Dave Ramsey-ish, so we’re taking our time to save. I refuse to charge up everything…or take out a personal loan to pay for a wedding! A coworker borrowed $20K for her big day…cannot imagine starting my marriage in debt…unless it involves a mortgage…just sayin’. We’ve opened a joint savings account for the hitchin’ and have agreed on an overall budget and mutual monthly contribution. In WTF news, I joined The Knot (oh LAWD…why did I do that?) and I have over 170 items on my to-do list…

Seriously…this list makes me want to head to the JP and then treat all of our loved ones to a dinner at Furrs! Nothing says understated elegance like a fried fish square and jello for dessert! Oy vey…on a positive note, I’ve chosen my 5 bridesmaids and decided on aubergine for my main wedding color (eggplant if you aren’t uppity haha) and my girls get to choose their own dress style. Everyone has a different body type and there is nothing worse than wearing an outfit to an event and being uncomfortable the whole night. Mismatched bridesmaid dresses for the win! I think it will look great…but I am biased as hell. lol

Fitness Stuff!
I decided there will be no pressure to churn out a lot of fitness events this year. I am proud of my 12 in ’12 accomplishment, but this year is one event at a time. With that said, I completed my second Big D Climb last month in honor of my dear friend Angel. Cancer sucks! 52 flights, 1040 stairs, 1 great cause!

Random pic to show y’all my new ‘do! Natural lovelies call this a protective style…tucking your hair away for the winter. Coco just needed a break from detangling my fro! I’ll be ready to play again in the spring. OMG, my face is going to be big forever. That’s ok…a wise old woman once told me that round faces show character…and ya girl has A LOT of character..like character for days…put a week on it! haha

Keep the legacy going…
Soooo…my family has decided to offer an annual scholarship at the University of Texas at Arlington. My grandmother was the director of a program that assisted college students with unique circumstances (low income, first generation college students and individuals with disabilities). The organization was Grandmere’s heart and  health issues forced her into early retirement. The scholarship is a way for her to continue to help in higher learning and it will allow us to share her legacy with a new generation. 

Ok, lovelies…I think that’s it for now. Now major change on the RA front. My numbers were improved during my November visit, so the rheumy doc is allowing me to move from monthly appointments to quarterly. I will see her again at the end of this month and fingers crossed for more positive news! Hope all is well with YOU.

Until next time…

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February 5, 2013

Lots of good stuff here and a scholarship – how wonderful!

February 5, 2013

You are adorable & I always enjoy your updates. I hope you enjoy planning your wedding & don’t fret too much. I’m having trouble getting my holiday weight off too. Dave Ramsey is The Man and I’m thrilled that you two youngsters are going to start your marriage off right.

February 22, 2013

Furrs?!??!?!?! Girl, I am ROLLING!

February 26, 2013

I love me some Furrs girl. ain’t nutn’ wrong with dat.. LOL. i miss OD. I’m so glad you still update 😉