Tidying With Curious Georgina

So I have been cleaning since like, Saturday I think. Or maybe Friday? I did the bedroom. Parts of the living room until it’s almost all done. Washed the floors. Did laundry and dishes today. And like not just regular laundry, but things that don’t normally get washed like blankets I use everyday sitting on the couch and stuff. And the dishes included some old crappy cruddy stuff that hadn’t been washed in months either. So it’s good, all the cleaning. I tried to watch that Netflix show Tidying With Marie Kondo but I was busy actually cleaning and didn’t pay enough attention. Oh well.

I didn’t make dinner today, not a real dinner anyway, because I didn’t do the dishes until this evening. I think I might heat up a can of chili. I’ve been a crappy eater. And it’s part of my ADHD I know, I just get swept up into activities and then forget about eating. It’s still some kind of eating disorder. I love eating though, I dunno, it’s so weird.

I watched Jessie’s instagram story over the last couple days. We had a deep freeze here, like I felt like I was gonna die yesterday when I was outside it was that bad. ANYWAY I watched her Instagram story and she had very little heat and then her pipes froze and she had no hot water. And in the old days I would have said something in a private message, like reaching out or whatever. But she said no private messages and I’m sticking to it. I dunno. Maybe I should stop watching her stories. She mostly uses it to complain about things. Like actually when I think of it, mostly recent stories have been complaints more than celebrating something or being joyous. I dunno maybe her life is shitty right now, I mean obviously the house stuff is. But I’m not able to say anything to her about that. Anyway, ugh I hate that I am even using space to talk about watching her Instagram it makes me sound like a creep.


I am going to Texas next month and I found out today that my ex girlfriend is ALSO going to Texas almost the exact same days. She texted me about it, we are gonna try and hang out. I have a soft dream about going to the Piggly Wiggly finally because it’s like a cultural touchstone of southern films and lit. Ha ha anyway, she also said she could be my wingman if I found someone cute there. She knew how I felt about Jessie and also how impossible it was. And I THINK I am closer to being over her. I think my revelations this weekend that she really didn’t love me helped.

Anyway, I don’t really want to fall in love with an American though because importing a partner to Canada is hell and I’ve read enough about spousal sponsored immigration to know I am not rich enough.

My dogs are fine. My boy dog sees an ophthalmologist on Thursday, the day after my tattoo appointment. And Friday I fly to Yellowknife until Sunday for work. My old date Jay is coming to stay with the pups, so I am kind of glad the place is much cleaner for them to be here.

I feel like magical things are happening. I don’t know why. I worked really hard on my apartment the last few days and it made me feel like there IS space now for a new lover to show up. I feel not as bummed out about myself, like actually I do have something to offer. I know I’m the same person, it’s just clearing the clutter in here helped me feel better. I’m gonna put some crystals in my room tonight, I charged some during the lunar eclipse. And I think it would be nice to have some nature in there. I need to go back to reading books too, I was reading a really good one then just stopped.

HA HA OMG my friend X. bought a sock monkey jack in the box and tried to post a cute video of it to social media today but she put it on slow mo and the video sounds like a horror film! OMG it made me laugh so hard.

Anyway. Clothes arrived from the UK but yeah they went to my Mom’s house so now she has to put them in the mail to me. I hope she sends them soon, I really want to round out my Button Up Shirt wardrobe. I actually have a lot now. But these are ALSO really nice and I think it would be good to have some variety in my clothing. There’s one shirt I REALLY want to wear but it needs cuff links and I’m worried it’s TOO fancy for everyday wear. Even today I am just wearing a tshirt again because I was cleaning and didn’t feel up to the button up shirts. It wasn’t a fancy enough day. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe Wednesday. Maybe Thursday. I dunno.

Someone the other day said “OH you’re getting button up shirts for dates!” and I was kind of like “yeahhhhh.” But really I started buying them because I found out something fancy was gonna happen in my future.

And it’s still a secret. It’s gonna take me by surprise when they announce it. I’m gonna be like, scrubbing the fridge or something and wondering why I am getting notifications from a bunch of people. I dunno! I hoped maybe they would announce it today. Because it’s Monday and then they could have the whole week to do media shit. BUT NO! And only bad news comes out on a Friday. So maybe tomorrow? Wednesday? Fuck are they really gonna stretch it out to the last day of January? I can’t handle it!

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January 22, 2019

Sounds like you are doing an awesome job cleaning.  I wish I had the same motivation as you have.

January 23, 2019

@jaythesmartone Yeah it was awesome! Ha ha I need to do the bathroom still before Jay gets here on Friday!