I was gonna clean my room, but then I got high
Ha ha that’s a good song. But really, I’ve been sober a long time. I used to use pot and booze and speedy ecstasy. Haven’t in a long time. Anyway, I recently got switched to 40mg of Vyvanse instead of 30mg, and it was going well you know, pretty focused, good energy, more productive, less disorganized. But then I got sick and it went out the window, I mean my productivity.
I kind of noticed it yesterday, I was taking cold medication and I was saying to my friends “I feel high, what the hell?” And someone who had the same cold was like “Oh it’s probably the cold.” But then today I felt decent, and I had a meeting this morning. So I took cold medication but I was out of Vyvanse, which was fine I was gonna pick some up after my meeting. So meeting goes okay, I’m gonna make 3-4 thousand being a camera operator for a few days. So okay that’s fine. Pick up my Vyvanse and go home and pop one of them and then I’m just like dicking around on my computer… OH I think I did a work thing, and then I was like FUCK I feel like I’m on speedy ecstasy. Not the lovey feeling but the kind of sweaty high sickly feeling. Like when it’s 4am and you’re on E and it’s not really fun anymore but you know you can’t go to bed.
ANYWAY I finally clue in and I’m like fuck this cold medication is interacting with my Vyvanse. And Vyvanse is pretty long lasting, like for almost the whole day until bedtime. Luckily since I took the cold meds earlier they were just wearing off about an hour after my Vyvanse kicked in. But still for about an hour I felt high and fucked up.
Some people who are being sober would put their sober time back at zero for this kind of thing. But I feel like it’s more about intent, and I did not intend to get high off my medication today. Vyvanse never made me feel high, just calm and you know, the way it’s supposed to be if you have ADHD. Like my brain works better. Anyway I’m not going to take this cold medication anymore, and I am not going to put my sober time back to zero. I’m still going to celebrate my seven years of sobriety in May as I intended because I did not seek a high. I just sought relief from a cold. And relief from my ADHD symptoms.
It wasn’t fun anyway. It was messed up, and made me feel like kind of crazy. Ugh gross, so gross. But it’s over and now I know not to mix them.
Maybe ask your doctor if there is a cold medication that you can take that won’t interact with your prescriptions?
@jaythesmartone That’s a good idea!
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Thankfully you were at home when this happened. At least you know to be careful in the future. Glad the feeling has passed for you.
@cdn021mudder Boy am I ever glad too! so gross feeling~!
@curiousgeorgina_1 I bet. I hate not feeling in control. That may have creeped me out. Lol
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Totally honest mistake. Who knew?? I’m glad a came across your entry though – I take Concerta XR. I have not had a cold since I’ve been on it but if I do I will think twice about cold meds! Sorry you had to experience that – but thank you!
Congratulations on 7 years!
@marathonmama Thank so much! Yeah I really didn’t think about the interactions before either, something to be aware of!
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