is this normal?

I would never kill myself.

I don’t think so anyway.


There’s a but.

I often wish that I would go to bed and not wake up or that I would have some kind medical emergency that would kill me.  Just so I don’t have to deal with it anymore.

Does anyone else feel that way or am I alone?

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(saw you on the front page) First, there’s no such thing as normal. There’s only normal for YOU. Second, I’ve thought like that too.. not so much like as in I want a disease to kill me but more like I wouldn’t mind falling into a coma if it meant I didn’t have to deal with the stress of finals week ever again.. lol. It tends to happen the most when I’m under a lot of pressure/stress.

But I feel like that’s pretty harmless isn’t it? I mean you’re just thinking “Man.. if only I had the swine flu so I wouldn’t be able to go to my finals, and therefore can’t fail them AND get more time to study!” …of course that’s not going to and did not happen.. but, I survived! Which is even better than getting swine flu. 😛 (p.s. you’re on my fav’s so you can note me back if you so please.)

pshhh the way I see it, we’re ALL off the deep end. The one’s who don’t admit it are the furthest gone. 😛 And lmao @ your note. crotch-rot!!! 😛 Yeah.. it was quite gross tho.. I mean come on man… ::sigh:: I really need to move. 😛

August 9, 2009

RYN- I dont know if its worth losing a bestfriend. Having him in my life hurts and living without him will probably hurt too. I guess I’ll see how things go. I know how you feel. But life is better than death, only because I dont know what death is. Could be worse than the situation ur in…