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April 15, 2011

cruise should be fun! i kept wanting to go but so far haven’t make it happen yet.

April 16, 2011

all small children are willful! so don’t worry about that.. 🙂 as they grow up they will learn. 🙂

haha wah so fast planning for birthday party! We’re going Sydney for Rae’s first birthday, cos her Sydney uncle is turning 60 three days after that, so it’s a whole giant family thing with 10 adults + 1 infant flying…. a bit nervous but very excited! -p-

Rae is also demanding and vocal, cries and shouts when she wants something, we call her “little rascal” cos she’s so active and demanding…. I’m also worried how we’re going to discipline her in future, cos right now she really gets everything she wants…. how how?

somehow i feel all the kids nowadays are like that leh… don’t know why. is it the parents or the environment or this generation or what? i see so many friends’ young kids, good kids, but still mine! they can be quite stubborn/demanding and stuff even at a very young age! jj

May 7, 2011

How time flies. Our babies are so big now. 🙂

August 5, 2011