peace and quiet
I’m sitting at Mom’s dining room table, taking advantage of her wireless printer (LOVE that thing!) to print out some papers for Chloe’s easy readers and to print out some new planner pages to keep track of what we’ve been working on.
Mom’s not here; she’s on break from school so she went camping for a week. She doesn’t mind me popping over when she’s gone, though.
I just love my mom’s house. I’m not sure why, but every time I’m here I feel more calm, more serene and more together. Maybe it’s because her house is so open and airy and always clean, and my house is darker and always so full of chaos. Mom’s always been good at keeping her house put together. I definitely did not inherit those genes. Well, I guess I did to some extent, because I do get a lot of satisfaction from a good deep cleaning. But, I think I’ve just struggled for so many years with Aaron’s slobbishness that a part of my "cleanliness" has slid toward the middle. For the sake of my sanity, it kind of had to.
So, coming to Mom’s, especially when there’s no one here, is like going to a great beach house or a cabin in the mountain. It’s great.
But, now all my printing is done and it’s time to head home, back to my house filled with chaos and noise and insanity.
My Stick Family from