12/17/2009 *edit w/ business card
The kids are cuddled up in pile of blankets and pillows watching Sesame Street, and I’m hoping Ben gets warm and comfy enough to fall asleep. He’s been grumpy and clingy and whiney all morning, and I hope a good nap sorts him out. He fussed all night long with a tummy ache, after Chloe didn’t get in bed until 1 in the morning. I was definitely a tired mama when I got up this morning.
I have to work tonight, but thankfully Aaron will be home to put the kids to bed at a decent hour. He should be home around seven. Work isn’t going to be fun, because we’re already two people short a full shift, and I guarantee one of the sorority girls will call off. They always do.
I’ve been trying to get the house cleaned up in time Christmas, but I’m not making a ton of progress. I did manage to whip the living room into semi-presentable shape, but the kitchen is going to take me forever, and I don’t foresee being able to work on it with Benjamin being such a clingy thing today. Maybe I’ll slap some Dora in the DVD player to distract him….
I just updated my progress on my Mission 101 list, and I think I’m actually doing pretty well on it. I’ve still got almost two years left on my time limit, and at least 40% of my list is either complete or in progress. Not too bad. I don’t really anticipate finishing 100% of the list, but it will be nice to get close to it.
Wow, this is a boring entry. 😛 I’ll be back later when I can add something interesting.
*EDIT: well, I’m back. Not necessarily with anything interesting to say, but at least with something interesting to look at: my business card!
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Thoughts? Opinions? It took me forever to be happy with it, and I changed it two dozen times. Now I’m just excited to get some of them printed!
EDIT 2: New blog post! Find it here.