Just got back from spending the evening at my mom’s with the kids. Both are now asleep. Ben, for once, is sleeping in the bassinet next to me instead of in the bed beside me. We’ve bedshared practically since day one, but he doesn’t seem to be sleeping well, and doesn’t want to nurse for a decent amount of time when he’s in the bed with me. He’ll want to "snack" for about five minutes or so and then drops off to sleep.
So, I’m going to try the bassinet and see if that doesn’t encourage longer/more infrequent feedings. I know it’s typical of babies to want to eat more often when they’re snuggled next to the food supply, but seeing as how Ben tends to get a lot of gas on his tummy from letdown (and possibly from a nasal issue I’ll be asking the pedi about…) it may go easier on him having a longer feed where he’s latched on for an extended period. I’m sure going to lose a bit more sleep this way, but I’m going to try it for a week and see if things don’t improve before I move him back to the bed.
Plus, if I don’t get him in the bassinet at some point (although I’m in no hurry if having him there now doesn’t help things), then Aaron’ll be sleeping on the couch until we manage to afford new mattresses. lol.
Tonight was the first night he’s really accepted a pacifier as well. I’ve never really pressed him to take one, although I’m not against him having it because of the research on pacis and SIDS. The few times I’ve offered one, though, he’s always just pushed it right back out of his mouth. He started to get fussy when I put him in the carseat at Mom’s (because he hates that thing with a passion), and I offered one again and he took it. And he still has it. So. *shrug* If he keeps taking it, I’ll probably let him have one at night to help with the constant "I Must Suck On Something!!" urge, but I’m going to try VERY hard not to let him have one when he’s awake unless he’s screaming his head off in the car and I can’t pull over…something like that. We’ll see how it goes.
I may have a taker on the diapers I posted in the last entry. A mama on DiaperSwappers was interested in trading me some boy colored FuzziBunz, so hopefully that will go through. We should be completely out of disposables and into cloth by Monday, I’m guessing. I really never planned on using sposies this long, but when I told my MIL to pick up a small pack of newborn dipes because the prefold covers weren’t fitting yet, she brought back a case of 300. Yikes. So we’ve been working out way through those, and I’ll think they’ll be gone in the next day or two. Which means I really need to get some inserts sewn up by then.
Mmmmkay….time for bed!