Happy New Year to my OD friends. Nothing going on here, just another day. To much snow though. My companion just finished cleaning off the cars & it’s snowing again. He will be so angry.
LOL. I’m still having problems with my Samsung Tablet. Some have left notes saying what I might be doing wrong but I checked all of that. Nothing wrong there. Here is my problem. My table is wi-fi only. So when I bought it & got it charged up, I googled OD & my user name & password came right up just like it does on my laptop. I can see all my saved bookmarks, but it doesn’t say leave a note. Also, it doesn’t say anything like add bookmarks or friends or write a new entry. I really am getting annoyed cause I can’t figure this out.
I like the tablet, but what’s the sense of having it if u can’t get into OD ? I can get into Face Book just find & post entries and share things. Any one out there know what I can do ? I have tried every thing I can think of. I checked my user name & password and it’s all ok. Should I start a new OD on the tablet by using a different user name & password ? Can u even have 2 OD"s ? I’m so not made out to be a smart tech person when it comes to phones, laptops & tablets. Hope some one can help me. TY in advance if u can. Have a safe & happy holiday.
Happy New Year to you as well.
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Sorry, I’m not much better at computer tech stuff either. Especially those new tablet things. It’s all a foreign language to me. But Happy New Year. ; )
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Happy New Year! 🙂
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RYN: I’m not familiar with tablets or iPads, but I know some cell phones couldn’t store session or file cookies, so they couldn’t stay logged in. You could try using the mobile version of OD (m.opendiary.com). Eric
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Yeah, you can have 2 ODs. I lost my other one and had to start a new one. You just have to do it with a new email address.
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RYN: When you’re on my OD, (or anyone elses), just go to the left hand side and it will say “add to bookmarks”. Click that.
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ryn: i have all notes set to private for now. i might change that later but for now they are private.
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