this IS my indoor voice

OKCupid Message
From: X
To: me
Subject: So Buffy stakes Edward?

Hi, this is probably an odd way to start a conversation, but in your profile you mention a theory on the popularity of Twilight? I have not, and probably never will, read the series but I cannot avoid noticing that it has become ridiculously popular. I see it often on the favorites list of many women on this site. I honestly don’t understand the twilight obsession, a weak female lead and sparkling vampires? I am curious of your thoughts.

I also take it from your profile that you are a fan of Whedon’s work which tends to feature strong female protagonists?

Lol, You don’t like Christopher Hitchens? Seems an odd comment to make after defining yourself atheist. I mean that light hearted/jovial not as a criticism. Is it for his works, behavior, political stance, or all of the above that you dislike him?

I have to say that you have a very honest and direct profile, and it is quite impressive.


From: me
To: X
Re: So Buffy stakes Edward?

Buffy totally stakes Edward. See.

My theory about why it’s so popular is basically that women are conditioned by our culture to view men as dangerous and themselves as vulnerable– physically and sexually. Teen girls are taught that boys are at the mercy of their instincts and it’s the girl’s job not to tempt them, or put herself in a dangerous position where their instincts and superior strength might take over. Boys are terrifyingly OTHER, because they desire you in this way that you’re presumed not to be able to relate to (because girls have no sex drive, natch), and they can physically overpower you, and for a lot of girls, especially (but not exclusively) if you’re raised religious, this colors your idea of men in general. So you’ve got this metaphor, in the Twilight books, where the boy is not only superstrong but also desires the girl in an incredibly intense way that’s really dangerous for her (he vants to suck her bloooood)– BUT he loves her so much and he’s so moral that he’ll restrain himself from acting on it. Even when she’s begging him to turn her, he won’t because he thinks it’s wrong (Stephanie Meyer, your Mormon is showing!) and because he cares about her so much, and he also protects her from the other boys, I mean vampires, who do want to take advantage of her and violate her. So that makes him the ideal fantasy man for girls (and women) who think of boys (and men) that way. Bella (who’s an obvious reader stand-in, having zero personality of her own) is the infinitely desirable object, relieved of all agency and responsibility, and Edward is the fantasy image of a lover who is male (and therefore dangerous and full of frightening desires) but also tender and protective, mastering his desire in order to keep Bella safe and guard her from outside threats as well. It’s an adolescent fantasy, and imho a very sick one, but then it’s a sick culture, too, and I can completely understand its appeal for females whose view of gender relations works that way.

So yeah! Also why the idea of Buffy killing Edward is deeply satisfying, because Buffy also runs with the metaphor of vampire-as-rapist (which of course has a long and glorious cultural tradition) but, rather than go “oh no, I am little and feminine and delicious, save me Angel!” has her stab the fuckers in the heart with her pointy stick of justice.

Also, Christopher Hitchens is a sexist little twerp.

Also, thanks for the compliment on my profile! 🙂

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May 26, 2010

this is an awesome entry!

May 26, 2010

I love Buffy. I think she was the closest thing I’ve ever had to a role model in my entire life. Also, didn’t think you’d have an OKCupid profile. 🙂

May 26, 2010

Heh, geeky but kinda cute.

May 26, 2010

I love this entry and I think you are a genius.

May 26, 2010

Also, I feel the same about fairy tales.

May 26, 2010

why would you say that to me?

June 1, 2010

I do it when he sleeps. I have to go to work now. I want to reply to your emails but I’m scared of sounding crazy.

June 4, 2010

ryn: Ties in quite nicely with the transference thing, I guess. Anger I feel more in my back, pain down both arms to my fingertips, anxiety in my stomach, fear in the balls of my feet. My feet ache a lot. Meh.

June 15, 2010

ryn: yeah… I mean it is kind of messy, but… I don’t think anyone on here really knows. what it is. to be alone, properly alone.

July 2, 2010

I am so sorry about your grandad.

July 4, 2010

You always seem to be glad, lately, when you read my entries. Not like Kira. Kira gets upset about me. Maybe I write a lot more nicely than I – exist.

July 8, 2010

Yeah I find Twilight infuriating yet intriguing because it seems to be a big abstinence allegory for some of the reasons you mention.

July 13, 2010

ryn: I love you, you know that right? That’s the first time I’ve smiled in hours.

July 13, 2010

ryn: I wasn’t you, apparently I’ve been leaving “mean and sarcastic” notes for years, which I have no memory of (with this particular girl), which makes me feel paranoid and psychotic that I can’t remember all these apparently awful notes, so I am just leaving well alone.

July 13, 2010

“Tomboy” is not the insult I would use for you though, I’d probably go with “bookish”, like a librarian who is so busy reading she forgets she has pencils in her hair and slippers instead of shoes.

July 20, 2010

I have a tracker and can see you’ve come to my diary a few times. Obviously there has been some issues going on, I would like to apologise if I have ever come across as offensive to you as that was not my intention.

July 20, 2010

RYN: No not at all, I dont mind people coming to my diary whatsoever. My updates have been FO at the moment purely because of the difficulties Ive been going through lately is all. Please feel free to drop by any time you wish to or if not that’s fine too. Thankyou for your notes as well, I really appreciated them. You’re right, I tend to not come on here to squabble, my diary is my therapy and means a lot to me, particularly at the moment. I know I can be oversensitive though and I have been working on that..and sometimes generally notes can be so misinterpreted on here and it’s difficult. The whole M situation has upset me but Ive apologised for my part (in being oversensitive) and I never intended to make him paranoid and psychotic by getting upset over his more harsher notes that he’s left me over recent times (not years). That saddens me he feels that way but Im going to leave it alone as he wishes to do so. I dont wish him or you anything but good luck. Thanks for being so nice, Laura x PS. Nowt wrong with being a Tomboy. Im quite ‘bookish’ too. Always got my stupid nose in a book.

July 20, 2010

Oh and I would love it if Buffy would slay Edward Cullen. And if she can kick Bella’s ass that would be great too.

July 26, 2010

Matt (Frankly) is a nice bloke, his matteroffactness soothes me sometimes. This entry made me happy reading it, thought you might like it as a veggie (ish)