This Dusky Faith

Why, then, weep not,
Since naught’s to weep.

Too wild, too hot
For a dead thing,
Altered and cold,
Are these long tears:
To the sovereign force
Of the pulling past
What you cannot hold
Is reason’s course.

Wherefore, sleep.

Or sleep to the rocking
Rather, of this:
The silver knocking
Of the moon’s knuckles
At the door of the night;
Death here becomes
Being, nor truckles
To the sun, assumes
Light as its right.

So, too, this dusky faith
In Man, transcends its death,
Shines out, gains emphasis;
Shorn of the tangled past,
Shows its fine skill at last,
Cold, lovely satellite.

-Edna St. Vincent Millay

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April 3, 2007

No, I don’t know this one. I probably have to read it a few times – another reason why I mostly can’t be arsed with poetry. You are better read than me, I just don’t rush out and read everything you mention 🙂 Weird. I’ve rarely writen anything I’ve been feeling less intense about.

April 3, 2007

Love her too.