Polling Public Opinion

Query: Do you find Ann Coulter physically attractive?

I am not interested in what you think of her politics or her personality or her soul. If you just saw her picture somewhere, and didn’t know who she was, would you think she was good-looking?

Like, I think Janeane Garafolo is a pretentious, self-righteous little twit, but I find her to be really hot, especially with the little black-rimmed sexy librarian glasses. But Ann Coulter, I just don’t see it. I never knew she was supposed to be the straight-shooting sex kitten of the right, but apparently that’s a widely held opinion. I find her to be quite physically unattractive, but I also find other blondes of her type, like Cameron Diaz and Paris Hilton, to be physically unattractive, and I realize others don’t share this opinion. So I was just wondering what people thought.

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i do not find her attractive. she’s not hideous, but she is nothing special. she just fits the current prototype of what is “hot”…thin and blonde. and i agree with you about diaz, hilton and the like. but i’ve always found people who look unique to be more attractive than people who look orange and have hair that has turned white way before its time. happy tuesday!

April 23, 2005

I give her a B+. I don’t like Hilton. I generally prefer skinny females (just personal preference, probably driven by a fat old female relative who smelled bad all the time when I was a kid.) so thin attacks me and Coulter is that. I am not one to ask though, as I consider looks very unimportant, even though I am very handsome!

April 30, 2005

Thanks for the yummy link! 🙂

sometimes i mean to say ‘ann coulter’ but i accidentally say ‘skeletor’.

She kind of looks like Skeletor to me.

I think John Kerry is the spawn of her and Herman Muster if that answers anything.