Some simplifying

Negativity. Is it contagious? Is an unbalanced life really going to effect my happiness? Do I watch friends make the same mistakes over and over causing me too much anxiety, or am I complaining to my friends about the same problem but not really taking the advice that they give me? What about my schedule? Do I need a new one? Expenses? I am sure if I tweak my lifestyle I might spend a bit less time worrying about money and more time enjoying my day.

It is important to evaluate things and people you are involved with. What qualities do they have? We tend to mirror people in some way even if it is subtle. I ask myself, "Am I spending time with people who posses positive qualities that I wish to have or already have that I would like to keep?" Many people would make an argument that these things do not influence us and would likely state that we are strong enough to be who we want to be despite of what is going on around us. Of course there are some things about us that we are not willing to change but what about the unintentional things? Our mood for instance is one example. I have seen it all before with personal experiences and observing it in others.

This is a list of things that I would like to work on.

1. Become more in tune to my children’s behaviour & respond quickly to matters

2. Stop thinking about things I do not need and make better use of the things I already have.

3. Stay committed to healthy breakfasts, they are making a big difference.

4. Spend less time emotionally invested in other people’s problems. Doesn’t mean I don’t love them.

5. Get organized.

  • de clutter house
  • daily schedule
  • grocery lists and budget

6. Take more time getting ready for the day.

7. Plan more outings with the kids

8. Bake a little more

9. Waste less time

10. Do more things that make me happy

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September 24, 2013

girl yea nee too make list myself