The Shitty Ones

Not everyone out there has good intentions

Some people are just shit

But those that twist and change your stories

are deep in the shitty ones.

I need to find new friends.

not fully grown women who are worse than kids.

surely someone out there will be in my corner


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2 weeks ago

I concur, most adults today act like spoiled children. This is why I keep my distance. I’d much rather have peace and quiet.

2 weeks ago

the worst part is these are women in their mid 40’s so definitely should know better. Or at least they should know better anyway.

Unfortunately its easier for some to try to break others down to feed their own egos so they don’t have to focus so much on their own misery.

2 weeks ago



Ive learned that most people maintain a sustained level of ignorance throughout their entire life . Most are lazy, vain, narcissistic, self-righteous, self-indulgent, prideful, arrogant and downright intolerable.
In short, the human race sucks. I’d much rather surround myself with animals, and enjoy nature.
Im at the age now, where I no longer have the patience, or inclination to deal with the vast majority of humanity. I’ve become quite a hermit, and I’m happiest this way. The reality is, most people are a waste of time and energy.

2 weeks ago

@ashestoashes Ive become somewhat of a hermit myself the past 8 months, unfortunately it wasn’t planned, but I prefer to keep to myself and my kids more than other adults.

Iam however used to not having familial support, Iam however still figuring out how to do life without any friends around me.

I was a people person and social butterfly majority of my life, but for a good chunk of my adult life that side of my personality was stripped from me and its not something that is easily mended, especially when Iam only attracting toxic and self centred people into my life and do not want any part of that

2 weeks ago


I am amazed at social butterflies. I would Personally find that to be exhausting, having to constantly interact with people. But, I’m super introverted, and social interactions drain the life out of me. I keep to myself for self-preservation, as I perceive most people to be energy vampires.