Just Another Day

Another day spent with my husband sitting in the shower with his twin brother sitting in the bathroom talking to him.

I get that they’re identical twins and all that, but when they’re sick they literally hang off each others asses and its so annoying. Everything that my husband and I should discuss, he discusses with his twin and I find out days later when his twin ends up informing me.

I will never understand their connection, especially as I’ve never had a close relationship with either of my own sisters. But I am certain the day I got married I only married 1 man not the 2… We all live together and I raise our Niece, as well as my own 5 youngest kids.

I won’t get into a full rant over it tonight, because there really is no point having an exhaustive entry today.

Its 6:33pm and my baby girl Indiana has fallen asleep, we just spent a long 10 minutes looking all around the house for her, only to find her curled up underneath blankets and a mountain of pillows on the mattress on the lounge room floor, after we had looked in there multiple times for her. If it wasn’t for her having a little cry when I had tossed a wheat pack onto the blanket next to her we would have been still frantically searching for her now.

My anxiety was creeping up thinking she had gotten outside in the dark and someone had taken her, I was close to calling the police. So glad that I didn’t though, because it would have been a waste of their time to come out for a child who was asleep hiding under blankets…


I will probably come back and write more later tonight if I can’t sleep, especially when this little girl finally wakes back up, because she will be awake most of the night tonight.

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