WooHoo…No school for a month…*dances around*

Nakkie tree, nakkie tree…I have a nakkie tree.
Yeah…Was worried when I went to put the tree stand on, thought it might be too big! Luckily, despite the fact that the fourth twisty thing doesn’t touch, it still is standing pretty solidly.
It’s a shorter tree than what we’ve had since we’ve moved in here…I can reach the top of it without a chair…And…It’s Chubby! *giggles* Yeah…I have issues…But I’m cutes! *grins*


*looks up* Okay…Yeah…That was from last night’s entry that never got posted. Since, well…It never got any further than that. *laughs*

The tree isn’t quite as nakkie anymore…It has a string of lights (that is composed of 4 or 5 diffrent ones connected, and the one ‘circuit’ of them is no longer working…Blah…), and 4 (very old and ancient) strings of garland on it. None of the other strings of lights I have work.
Also have the garland hung in the doorways, on the window in the dinning room, and the clock in the living room.
Talking to Raya I remembered/realized…We’ve had the lights and garland since I was little! Since we lived in white house (haven’t been there since June of 1993!). So yeah…I’m thinking some new ones are in order. We’ve talked about it the last couple years…Just never seem to manage it. We will definitely have to do it this year…Hopefully catch some good sales right after the holiday. *nods*

Well…I really have nothing. *laughs* Though…Did get the Critter’s classes ornaments painted. *nods* All I have to do is run the strings through them now, so they can be hung on their various trees. So I suppose that is something.

We’ve got a skunk hanging around out back. *read skunk totem info* Hmmm…Think I might just let him hang out. *nods* I was a bit worried, for the cats, when I seen it out there tonight…But, as he went under the porch, and a couple minutes later Konkura and Nero Bianco emerged unscathed…I don’t see them having any problems. [And he was of the fluffies and cutes! *giggles*] He didn’t have the big white stripe down him, from what I seen. Just one on his face, and the snow on his back.

Here is said information from the one totem animal site [Just because I feel like sharing. *laughs*]:
(Loved the little thing that came first)

I will not tolerate abuse in any form.
I have power!
I will not let others use me.
I am a divine child!
I will sift out friends, keeping the good.
That is my responsibility!
Like the skunk, I will learn when to be disagreeable.
That is my right!


Sensuality, Respect, Self-Esteem

The skunk is a very powerful totem
with mystical and magical associations.
It teaches how to give respect,
expect respect and demand respect.
This totem helps you recognize your own qualities
and assert them.

Skunks are fearless but very peaceful.
These are two wonderful qualities which you can learn from your skunk totem.

If you have skunk medicine will find that the use of fragrances will elicit dynamic responses
in the people around you.
Your sexual response will be heightened and you will have a greater ability to attract people.

Individuals with a skunk totem must learn to balance the ability to draw and repel people.
Skunks remind us that there is a time to be with people and a time for solitude.

The skunk’s stripe is the outward sign of kundalini or life force.
When you receive a skunk totem, your kundalini or life force activates and amplifies.
You must learn to use this force effectively.

Skunks are silent animals and through their silent, they teach us not to brag —
it will push people away rather than attract. People will notice you without any help.

When the skunk appears, opportunities will open to bring self-esteem and respect.
There will be increased sexuality: physically, psychically and spiritually.

And now…A Marauders video…Just because I can…

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Yay for getting the tree decorated! Boo for the lights not working, though. *pokes them* O.o…I wouldn’t mind having / seeing a skunk as a totem animal. *nods* Very good qualities. Need some of those right now… Oooo…nice video. Lovely song. *HUGS*

December 17, 2007

yay for getting tree decorated!! and o0o old things they are always good to keep and bring them out every year around this time… it brings back memories. *noods* lovley video!!

December 17, 2007

our cats chewed the cord through of the lights we were using. stupid things. and they have torn off the bottom branches of the tree. i knew there was a reason i didn’t want a tree. *laughs*

December 17, 2007

tree isnt nakkie! hope you get some really pretty lights to dress it up in 😛 *prods skunk* its fearless, coolies! xxx

December 17, 2007

ahaha I remember when you were singing the same song about the nakkie tree last year 😀 Twas fun then too 😛 glad its not as nakkie anymore old decorations are always the nicest, makes it all a more feelingfull tradition :] skunks are cool, speshly their qualities. Apparently they make good pets too, if you remove their glands that spray the ickiness

December 17, 2007

The skunk thing is interesting. I skipped out on all the decorating this year – luckily the boys were ready and willing to help get it done!