Too Tired To Be Here.

Things went fairly well @ meeting today…I suppose. *pokes Dan with sharpened sticks* Will give details later (Sonja is not thrilled…But I did the best I figured I could.)

I am so friggen tired…So I’m going to crawl into a hole and sleep. & just seeing how tired today has made me…I’m going to have to start going to bed at a regular, fairly decent time…6 AM twice a week is really going to suck.

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*is very tired, too* Waking up at 6 a.m. SUCKS! You’re going to have fuuun doing it this year. *lol* *huggles* I assume you is asleep now, so I shall talks to you sometime tomorrow. *HUGS*

August 14, 2008

6 am s suck ass wipes!!!!!!! Glad it all whent well. I need to get on a sleeping thingy too. Have a good sleep *HUGS*

August 15, 2008

Welcome to my world! Adam’s alarm usually goes off at six and of course it wakes me up(and it usually DOESN’T wake him up, that’s my job).

August 15, 2008

*hugs you tightly* sleep is usually a good thing. usually.