*throws title in this silly little box*

*waits for pictures to load onto PhotoBucket* Bloody hell, it’s taking forever! Anyway…

Well…I still do not have my Jeep. *pouts* It was suppose to be done at 9 am…it wasn’t. It was suppose to be done at 4 pm….it wasn’t.  *sigh*  The mechanic is suppose to come pick up Mum tomarrow so she can go pick up the Jeep. He’s suppose to work on it all night until it gets done. So I’m suppose to have it back tomarrow.

Went walking today…even though it was only in the 40’s…it was COLD! *laughs* But instead of getting a bottle of water, I got french vanilla cappachino. Haven’t had one of those in a while…it was good, and kept my fingers warm while it was there.

Seen the pyscho again…but as it was a me seeing it, and not an it seeing me, I didn’t get that froze up feeling. He called out to Libby as we were walking by, and then said something along the lines of ‘fine, don’t say hi to me Jennifer’.  To which I said something about me not going to say hi.

MIke called again today. Didn’t talk long though, as I had another phone call that came in. *hugs Raya* He told his wife he’s talking to me again. When she asked why, he said because he needs someone to talk to during this whole mess. As she has her whole family, and he can’t talk to his two friends as they are going through their own mess. For whatever reason, they are keeping it from his mother that they are seperating in June. *shrugs* I don’t know how I got so bloody lucky.

*has just about given up on PhotoBucket for the night*  Don’t worry, it’s not my sewen stuff…I was hoping to get the last bunch finshed before doing my pictures. But as I’m having trouble finding the edging I want for the one corset. Maybe I’ll just say to heck with that thought, and take pictures of what I have done at the moment.

*Gives up on PhotoBucket* Oh well…maybe tomarrow.

Party for Lexamar in 3 days…*hides in hotel room* *laughs* I’m getting nervous about the whole thing. But I’m already packed. *laughs* For the most part. Have to put the camera in there, as I have been made my Mum’s offical picture taker. *laughs*

Well..as the piccies won’t load, I’ll call this an end.

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*packs psycho into a box and throws it into the ocean* Mike…Jessica… *headdesk* *laughs* I hope you get your jeep! ~

April 26, 2006

*kicks photobucket* silly ole poo bit good luck with the jeep and party its been really warm here lately… xxx

April 26, 2006

I need to find a friend to talk with for real. I hate walking alone, though I’ll do it. I have my bike, but it needs fixed. *sigh*

April 26, 2006
April 26, 2006

thins are anoying when they don’t work! ick!

April 26, 2006

what exactly was wrong w/ the jeep? it’s taking them forever.

April 26, 2006

do I have your photobucket?! If not can I have it?! lol (not to keep…just browse lol) I wouldn’t go to that car place again! The bill better be reasonable too or else I would have it checked out! I’m glad you didn’t have to deal with ‘the creepy guy’!!! *brrrrr!* I know what it’s like to have that ‘frozen’ feeling! NOT FUN! it’s like GIVE ME A WEAPON OR LET ME RUN AWAY lol *hugs* 🙂

April 26, 2006

Ga! my minds in the gutter…thinking like a Canadian (in celsius)…was wondering why you thought 40 was cold. But it all makes sense now. Have fun at the party!!!