Things I really need to write about…

Though not made into a real entry at this point…

  1. The museum trip
  2. The first week back to college
  3. The evils of my math class
  4. The evils of my English class
  5. The evils of my French class
  6. The living room (& kitchen) STILL looking like there was an explosion
  7. Uh…Bloody hell, I’m sure there is something else. Evils of homework perhaps? *shrugs*

So yeah…I owe notes & a proper entry…& it is my plan to get to it…I need to finish my math homework for tomorrow, either tonight or before class, but that is all I’m going to worry about immediately…I need a break from homework (this class is going to kick my arse!)…So yeah…break time.

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September 1, 2011

Peekaboo I c u.

September 1, 2011

school & family come first.

September 2, 2011

we still read your bullet entries too. *smiles* much love!