The second week of college…And pictures!
An update since my bad day in English.
Wednesday: Took quiz over Chapter 1 in Psych. [The answers were suppose to be posted online last night…I still can’t bloody well find them if they are.] Got out of class half an hour early because he couldn’t figure out how to work the computers dvd player!
Took my books back to the car, then decided to go look for 7-11…Which was a total waste of time, as they have NOTHING! Though…On the way back across campus (on the way to 7-11), a fairly good looking boy smiled and said ‘Hi’ to me. *giggles like a school girl* [Oh wait…Do I count as a school girl again? *laughs*]
Plant Biology was goods…Just a bunch of note taking really…*hope for being able to use notes on test* [Which Psych. apparently isn’t going to be nice enough to let us do. Blah.]
Came home…Poured over getting my English rough draft done…Didn’t manage it till in the morning. [Got it done though…Yay me. *laughs* Though it is a whole lot of rubbish at this point…Rough is the key word here.]
Got to English…And one of the girl’s in class told me she liked my hat. *smiles* [Was wearing Gaara’s hat. *note to self* ~Quit being lazy and get the pictures on the computer for sharing.~] And she mentioned seeing me reading Naruto. She reads another manga. We talked a little bit before class.
We were suppose to be doing Peer Reviews today, but the teacher talked too long to get to doing it. We did get to exchanging our papers with someone. Heather (the girl who talked to me) and I exchanged papers. She made an origami frog off the sticker that had been stuck to her binder, and gave it to me, telling me I could use it to keep myself entertained in Algebra. *laughs*
Went to evil Algebra (which isn’t too bad so far…Still following it for the most part…Just a bit of trouble here and there remembering when things are suppose to be positive and when they are suppose to be negative)…The one girl there asked me how I did one of the questions for the worksheets we did on Tuesday.
Got out of Algebra 20 minutes early! Yay for out of classes early! *giggles*
Got home and Mum had dinner pretty much ready. Yay food that I didn’t have to cook!
Homework this week-end is going to be…Reading Chapter 2 for Psych.
Reading for English.
Peer Review for English.
If I can manage I’m going to try and get to the set of English Exercises that are due in…I think two weeks. Our second rough draft has been pushed back a couple days, due to not getting the Peer Reviews done in class today.
Now…Some pictures!
Sonja on the first day of 4th grade. Harley on the first day of 1st grade.
Me on the first day. Me on the second day. [That’s Gaara’s hat by the way.]
Oh yeah…I saved the boy from a spider last night…It’s legs had to reach out to make it the size of a half dollar piece! *shudders* Ugly thing…But I prevailed!
Is it cool enough to be wearing jackets there already? If so, send us some of your cool air. I’m dying here, and this coming from a girl who likes the heat! Sounds like school is being very school like. But it sounds like you are handling it pretty well. The girl in English class sounds nice. Yay for nice people at school! I love your green and white top! So pretty!
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i love the jacket.
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The ladders were quite scary, even to me who claims not to be scared of heights. The Critters look great. So do you.
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so cute for your first days!
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oh you all are so adorably cute! MUAH and yeah for making friends!
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Very loverly pictures! You’ve already mentioned the other stuffs to me. *lol* *hugs*
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Yay for all the yays! Yay for pictures! All three of you looked ready for the first day of school haha Yay for finding time to finally note on this, though I’ve been here 3 times in one night… grr lol
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you look like a proper student! The only thing annoying me is that kids over your side dont have to wear uniform… and yet we do… All the freakin’ time… *growls* Lots of work being done 😀 Am happy am not the only one with homework
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wow you look like a really groovy college student, i d totally eat lunch with you *apologises for rubbish note* my head isnt screwed on at all today
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you sooo look like a student! I cant quite make out one of your necklaces…. but it looks really prettyful and reminds me of something. Huzzah for making new friends too! seen any Nevilles in plant blodge?? X
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that hat looks really good on you!!!! I love that hat on you *hugs* anohter good week? Mine was good, I had alot of crative wirting homework… and i’m still not done. *sigh*
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