Still keeping up with NoJoMo…
6 page paper of evilness…Done…Tho after getting it all typed up I realize that it is really nothing like what it’s suppose to be. So yeah…Not expecting a good grade on it at all.
No new sonnets today…So I still need 5 more of those.
Attempted to go shopping to pick up house necessities today, that we forgot to get yesterday. Got to Meijer in Gaylord when my phone says I have a text message.
It’s the Idiot wanting to know if he can drop the Critters early…Going into the store I ask what time (it’s 12:45 at this time, and we are half an hour from home)…1:30. O.o
We decide to rush to where we are going in the store, thinking it was probably going to be a pointless trip anyway, and we’d rush back out…
NOT a pointless trip…Sitting in my room, hidden in a black bag, is a pretty shiny RED Wii!
I looked the stuff up online last night…Internet runs through the wireless you already have (with all luck the roter will play nice…Otherwise we would have to run a wire, but no big deal really), and it has an internet channel that you get internet on like you would the computer. Then if you aren’t having DVDs delivered to your house Netflex is only $7.99…Which means dropping Direct TV (making that $50.00 less dollars going out…Which pays for the Wii in 4 months time…Plus it’s a Yule pressie for the Critters/family…And Mum has actually consented to it being attached to the tv in the living room).
So yeah…Got Critters at more like 2 than 1:20…But still that’s 4 hours earlier than ‘normal’.
Not sure what the deal is…As the hipp-thing is still hanging around to some degree…Don’t know is she went to Thanksgiving with them or not.
Not sure there is anything else. Other than I should look at French book and figure out what the heck I is suppose to do to get it stuck in my brain.
:O i just want my wii fixed. 🙁 -sniffles and cries. Though..Yay red! gryffindor! (had too lol) aaanyway yeah. The internet isnt as good as using a computer…Cant do flash objects and such…But its fun to play on! And yup…I think as soon as wii is fixed we’re getting netflics for it and doing away with cable. Looots cheaper! Boooo to homework!
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