So fricken tired…

…Bed shall be soon…Hopefully I’ll be more awake tomorrow.

I felt more like a zombie that a living being for a good portion of the day. I’m not sure how I managed to get to school without falling asleep.

It’s probably 99.9% that I have to redo my xylophone. *sigh* The pvc pipe had too small of a diameter to make a note, so it just thunks…I’m fairly certain that means I’m going to have to redo the bloody thing. Which means…Wasting more money on the bloody thing. Luckily, I hadn’t come up with a frame for it yet…So at least I don’t have to rebuild a frame too. *headdesk* 

The smart math guy called ME an overachiever today. *laughs* Gods, that is…Weird, to say the least. It was mostly due to the fact that this tiny bit of math had some art to it…So yeah…Art is easier for me than math.


So…Anyone know how to have self-confidence? My lack of it is really becoming more than quite a downer. When you know there is something inside you, that is long to get out…And it’s enough that others can see, or know it’s there, and not understand why it’s not out…I don’t know…it’s been a long day.

I think I’d best head to that sleep…I’m tired, and disheartened, and…Yeah…

Doesn’t help that the Critters are gone for the week-end…Never helps…

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I wish i chould help you with the self confidence…

April 4, 2012

Remind yourself that you are a beautiful, talented, intelligent woman?

April 5, 2012

*hugs you lots* you are a wonderful talented woman. we all see it! you just have to hear us.

April 8, 2012

Meditate yourself into self confidence?? I don’t know. I need self confidence too.

Self-confidence has been a long struggle for me. It’s very nice to hear others say wonderful things & recognize things in you, but it’s not quite the same as seeing it yourself. I think that cliche that we are our own worst critics has significant merit. And it can be a downward spiral: having lack of confidence usually means being way too hard on yourself before you even give yourself a chance…

to succeed. Interestingly, I used to have much more self-confidence & lost it somehow. I’m very bad at comparing myself to others, always thinking they’re better than me, & not being able to take a compliment. How to overcome it though? I’m not sure, but redefining one’s self-image seems like a start, which is easier said than done, I’m sure. ♥