
I clicked on here to write…& I’m not entirely sure what to write about.

Class tomorrow…Our first observations were suppose to be done, but the classroom I was suppose to observe had a snow day that day…Thankfully that is something the Diverse Perspectives professor understands. The observation is now scheduled for Wednesday…So it’ll be done soon.

Art is done for the evening…It has more work I can do on it, and may, but for now it’s at its stopping point.
[It’s a wishing well that will go along with my doll house when that is set up.]

I was having a couple days of feeling quite empty again…Does seem to be something that is going around…I decided it was a good time to take a spin with my cards.
The last two cards connected to each other, and resonated with me as well…I think it was the main take-away from the reading, aside from any thing else…It was about Primal energy…I wish it was warmer here…I want to go immerse myself in the woods so badly. Until then…I will just have to bide my time…Do whatever it is I need to do…I know I will make it through the lows, and I will find myself on the other side…Closer to who I am meant to be.

Well the Critters were disappointed that they had school today…But considering they only had one day of school last week…
I also had two of my three classes cancelled due to snow…So I’m feeling a bit off as far as school as well…

My knees are killing me…Makes me wonder…Is the supplement I’ve been taking for them is really working…If not, I don’t want to waste money on it (it’s not real cheap)…But if it is working…I really don’t want to think about how much my knees could be hurting. Or maybe the weather is just too much for the supplement to help combat…Yeah…Growing pains…Why am I not 10 foot then? *rolls eyes* 

ANYWAY…I’ve got a list of things I want to make…Some of it just requires a bit more time than I have to allot to it currently.






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February 4, 2013

*hugs you lots* i can’t take most of those supplements, they hurt my stomach. i take a ton of aleve, proscribed. empty feelings, i know them well. *hugs you more.