
Harley’s leg is looking better.
Currently I’m waiting for the surgeon’s office to call back to tell me when to get him there…They don’t open till 9.
Poor boy is hungry, but I can’t feed him…Hopefully they can do in office and not need an OR, and he can get food quickly afterwards.

Sonja, amazingly, woke up first thing (even though she was later than suppose to to bed), and we were almost on time…Of course, the day we didn’t have to worry as much, as Harley didn’t need to get into breakfast.

So yeah…Will come back & write something when I actually know something.


Well…The surgeon that seen Harley today decided that his leg was healing up nicely, and there was no real sign of the bump anymore (as whatever had been in it to make it a bump had all come out over the last week), so they are just leaving it as is for the moment. If anything else happens, I have to get a hold of them again.
Which means…In a few months, when this bump reforms, or when somewhere else in his leg decides to form a bump, it’ll be back to the doctor’s again.
I’m glad he didn’t have to get cut open, or put under, and all he had to get was a band-aid and some more antibiotic ointment…But, knowing it’s likely to just come back again…*sigh*

I have most of my homework for this week done. I’m not sure if my ‘Social Studies in Life’ letter is up to the standards it’s suppose to be…But it’s what my teacher is getting.
Thankfully, the teacher we have isn’t the one who came up with the syllabus (and we will be cutting some of the stuff from the syllabus), so I don’t think she’ll hold us to the 300 minimum words. I got 200, counting my name & all that stuff…But seriously…I cannot remember anything from elementary & middle school Social Studies. & what I remember about high school Social Studies is that it was boring as boring can be.

I stopped by the school that I went to, to see about getting in there for my 3 hours of observations. The principal was busy at the moment I was there, but I left my name & number, and the information about the kinds of classes I need to observe.

I made my name tag/plate for my Diverse Perspectives in Education class…I posted it as my art for yesterday. Now…I just have to get it to class without breaking it…But it was fun to make.

Now I need to do one last thing for my class on Wednesday…I need to bring in a bag with 3-5 artifacts that represent who I am as an individual. This should be easy, but honestly…I’m not sure what to take in. O.o *headdesk* 
I’m contemplating my coyote hide, tho I worry about transporting…It’s just that, what it represents is a lot of who I am…Tho I’m not sure about explaining that one. Then again, it’s not like it’s to a ‘classroom full of people’…There is me, the teacher, and two other woman in the class. So yeah…I don’t know.





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January 14, 2013

I hope it dosn’t reappeare again…

January 14, 2013

honey, try using tea tree oil and or oregano oil on the wound. the tea tree oil is a anti bacterial/ antibiotic/ anti bacterial oil. oregano is very good like that as well, and it kills things like bird flu on contact! i know that no one should take antibiotics all the time! and i know you hate giving them to him. *hugs you lots*

January 14, 2013

ryn: She suffered for a long time. She passed quickly and quietly. As I was told by my Cousin. She the one that had the pancous cancer… Thursday is the vewing type thing.