Pretend this is an update…

*looks around*  Wow…I think there is cobwebs.

Let’s see…Um…We’ve done something…

Friday we went shopping…Got all kinds of goodies. *nods* Yeshes. I will have to take picture of my one pair of pants…*huggles them* *giggles*
Also got a Sweeny Todd teeshirt.

*looks around* Eh…*shrugs* I don’t know what else to say currently.

*skips off*
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/waves hi 🙂 Chris

*pokes at the so-called update* Uhm… 😀

February 25, 2008

*smiles* every little bit helps!

February 25, 2008

No prob, I’m good at pretending 😉

*huggles sissy*